Friday, June 29, 2018

June 28, 2018 (Thursday)

June 28, 2018

Today is the day after the last session of the blood transfusion.

Yesterday was though, the kickback was rough, but I’m feeling a little better right now.
It’s just that I feel pain in my abdomen, hhhmmm stomach. My tummy aches!!!! But I can bear it. I can bear it without pain killer, I think?!

Today’s breakfast: 2 pieces bread with margarine and marmalade, potato gratin, Chinese cabbage & carrots with a little dressing, tea and orange juice. 

I didn’t finished it all because my tummy aches, I did eventually used pain killer for me to eat. I really wanted to eat. All my doctors visited me for the day. They are worried about my tummy pain.
I took 3 capsules of Cellcept  and anti bacterial medicine.

My doctor, Nagatsuji Sensei (長辻先生), He’s so cool right?!!!! ( >.<)   took my blood sample from my neck to see the result of the result of the 1st leg of the blood transfusion. It was so many!!! Some of the test needs to be done outside of the hospital, so it will take 1 week. I have to continue my 24 hour urine test. I need to put all my urine together for the whole day.

I got my medicines injected. Steriod Pulse 20mg and medicine for the intestines. Furosemide 20mg for ease in peeing. By the way, this needle was pierced yesterday as of date. Usually this should be usable for a week. But if the veins burst or any signs of pain, it will be relocated. I hope this vain will last for a week.

I choose to stay in the ward, my room (a room with 4 people). Resting waiting for my bath time 11:00am JST. All the patients have to share the bath. We have to put what time do we enter (in 30 minutes intervals). I always choose 11:00am JST for me to finish at 11:30am JST then do the rest and 12:00 noon is LUNCH TIME!!!
But after my bath I was called for the CT scan of my tummy to see if there is something wrong because it keeps on aching.


And after that I went to the in-hospital Family Mart (convenience store), to buy my favorite wanton soup. Let’s cheat for a moment. In the hospital menu, the is no soup.

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch. But it was 100g  rice, fried chicken, boiled pechay, macaroni salad and tea. I ate all the chicken and half of the rest. Of course I ate soup already. For 45 minutes I eat and rested at the same time. My stomach was still aching but I felt good because I ate real food. Not eating for 5 days is not a joke.

 2:00pm JST, it blood sugar count testing time. It was fine 96. Shots, Steriod Pulse 20mg and took Furosemide 20mg for ease in peeing.

I decided to eat ice cream! Now I got the permission from the nurse. Meiji Vanilla Ice cream while talking to my sister, Arc Lou, at the 5th floor garden #2.

I spent the rest of the day doing the first blog, learning how to. Talking with my family.

I had dinner with my room mate Mrs. Higuchi (Her kidney was taken away 15 years ago because of cancer, and she was admitted again because the cancer might be recurring and may affect her lungs. She had water from her lungs also taken in this admission.)

While dinner, my doctor, Nagatsuji Sensei (長辻先生), discussed to me some of the results of the blood test. The blood transfusion works well. The stats are good except that RBC red blood cell count fell. Maybe because of my menstrual period or the other day that I vomited blood after the blood transfusion and received my intestinal clip.

It’s prayers time. By the way I’m Roman Catholic.

My nurse for tonight, isn’t she cute?! Maybe I have to find a match for her.

The hardest part of the day has yet to come. Sleeping. It seems that my body is being taxed by the steroids; I have difficulty of falling asleep. I have to take my pain killers via dextrose for me to get some sleep and my 1st sleeping pill at 8:30pm JST, the 2nd at 9:30pm JST.

Good night, hoping to have a good sleep.

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