Saturday, June 30, 2018

Self Introduction

I was a healthy normal person.

I was born in the May of 1988. Raised by my mother and father. My father was a 2nd mate officer seaman (now retired). My mother was a licensed Midwife and focused on being a housewife when she got married. I lived a normal childhood life, playing with friends outside, sporty and boyish in Marikina City, Philippines.

I studied in a private school from pre-school to 6th grade of elementary graduated Salutatorian. 

Then, 4 years of high school in the city science high school making it to the 86th top 100 students (not much, though graduating from 180 students is not bad).

For college, I got a scholarship from an all girl’s school for B.S. Accountancy course. I studied in that school for a year. Ending up with only 4 students after the year was though (originally from 16 students). I transferred to a better school for accounting but losing my scholarship as payback. I graduated accountancy course in October 2008. With the last 3 semesters as Dean’s Lister. I took the Accounting Board Exams May 2009 and passed it luckily with one take.

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