Saturday, November 10, 2018

November 1-7, 2018

November 1 (Th)

Today is my schedule for a checkup. It is starting to get cold here that is why I am dressed like this. Today is the last day of my outpatient consultation with Nagatsuji Sensei. As a service, we had a 30-minute consultation. I also have to get my medical certificate for Philhealth.  So he has to reprint as I correct the English version. He was so kind though to rewrite it on the spot. He said that if ever that I will be confined again, let him be my attending physician again. It is sad but I have to move my appointments every Friday. So starting Nov. 16, my doctor will be mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei.
My medicine also decreased. The night dosage of anti-cholesterol was taken out.  A good sign for me.

I bought sweets and had dinner with my friends. We had a vegetarian pasta and the special melon bread that iI bought from the specialty store in front of the hospital.

November 2 (F)

Maybe I got tired of yesterday, my leg muscles and back is hurting. And I am still having hemorrhages on my legs. Also, I feel like I have a cold in the evening, but when I measure my temperature, it is normal.  

November 3 (S)

I am feeling fine today so I tried to make Okonomiyaki. (Japanese pancake made out of cabbage). I tried but I think my mixture was not in the right proportion.

November 4 (Sun)

I got a present from my Indian friend. She went to Mt. Kouya to see momiji (red leaves). Momiji is famous when it is fall. As the weather temperature falls, the leaves turn red. I also wanted to go, but my doctors still said that I cannot go sightseeing, or to places with many people.

November 5 (M)

Recently, I am still having high blood pressure in the morning and in the evening. Average blood pressure for this week is 140/100.

November 6 (T)

My friend and I ate yakiniku (beef bbq) for dinner. I thought that if it is grilled there will be no oil, but my friend said that if it is high-quality meat there is more fats. I started to have LBM at 5:00 am JST. I need to drink loperamide but my LBM was not stopped. My stomach was hurting. I have to drink painkillers so that I cannot feel my stomach pain.

November 7 (W)

Today’s dinner was sushi and hot pot. It was a long time since I ate these. I forgot to ask my doctor if I can eat raw foods, but I think it will be fine. I ate my favorite Ootoro (tuna belly). And as my friend said, will I be okay? Because this ootoro has many fats and oil. But I guess I will be fine. But I suddenly feel nape pain; I think my blood pressure shoot up. I have to wait to get home so I can drink my medicines.

My new medicine dosage is:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, half of a blood pressure medicine, zinc supplement. Sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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