Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 8-15, 2018

November 8 (Th)

As expected, in the morning I still now having LBM in the morning, but I have to do my best. I took the strong painkiller but I can still feel my stomach moves. Since today is Thursday and tomorrow is our rest day, I and my Indian friend decided to go to a spa. She is a vegetarian, so she has to cook our dinner. I just brought some muffins and we made this dessert. She also invited our friend from work and her former classmate. We finished dinner late so we weren’t able to go to the spa.

November 9 (F)

It is starting to get cold here, so I decided to buy an electric blanket. I think this is effective and power saving than using the regular heater. Plus the heater can dry my skin and throat.

November 10 (S)

I’m starting to feel acidic in the evening. Maybe because I ate too much?! I am used to eating small portions only. I am having a hard time sleeping. It feels like the food that I ate will go back, I am feeling nauseous.

November 11 (Su)

Like the usual, I am still having LBM in the morning, but today, my stomach, back, and shoulders hurt too. Recently, I am taking the strong pain reliever after I ate lunch. I am also feeling dizzy, especially when I stand up.

November 12 (M)

Today my stomach really hurts that I took the strong pain reliever twice. I also noticed that my bruises are coming out. Some of it came out even though I didn’t bump into anything.

November 13 (T)

I am feeling better today, but still, as a protection from pain, I am taking pain relievers. My friend gave me this smartwatch. It can be linked to a mobile phone application to monitor the pulse, blood pressure, steps per day and hours slept. I was surprised that the pulse and blood pressure is measured every after 30 minutes.

November 14 (W)

Last night I tried to sleep without taking the sleeping pills #1 & #2, but it failed. I had to have troubles with sleeping, when I realized, it was already 12:00 am, then when I go to the toilet, I am having a hard time falling back to sleep. I am feeling tired today.

November 15 (Th)
This past week, my blood pressure averaged 140/110. This is high compared to the normal blood pressure of my age, 120/80. But when I take my medicines, my blood pressure is getting better. Sometimes, I can feel that my nape hurt, I think at those times, my blood pressure is going up.

I also watched a television program that if a patient is using strong pain relievers or steroids, it can lead to the side effect of having LBM. I have to ask mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, tomorrow. I will be going for an outpatient consultation tomorrow.

My medicine dosage is still at:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, zinc supplement. Sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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