Saturday, December 08, 2018

December 1-7, 2018

So it is December!✨🎄 It's winter season and it is getting cold here now. ⛄

December 1 (S)

After my consultation from yesterday, maybe I got tired and my leg muscles and shoulder hurt. But I took my rest day to go somewhere and I found this store selling Japanese pancake with sweet red bean paste.  I chose the red bean paste and white bean paste. The filling was almost 80% of a piece it was really worth it for the price of 85yen per piece. It was not that sweet too, very delicious.

December 2 (Su)

Today is the Japanese LanaguageProficeincy Test, I took Level 1, (which is the highest level among the 5 levels). The test site is 1 hour away from my house and my body is aching, so I decided to go out early. Though I did take painkillers, I can still feel muscle and stomach pain is this may be because of stress and nervousness. But I was glad that LBM was controlled.

This is my lunch for the exam day. It was very cold that day, and I have to eat lunch outside the rooms. At night when I got home, I was so tired my whole body aches and I had a cough.

The exam was really difficult and I had not enough time to read all the problems, especially the reading comprehension part. It will take a miracle for me to pass it. I wish for a miracle!!! 🙏🙇

December 3 (M)

Tired and nervous from yesterday’s exam, when I woke up today, I can’t get up. Literally, my body is hurting., especially my leg and lower bacTravelinging for almost 3 hours with transfers of buses and trains, I was really tired. Even though I took the strong painkiller it was like it has no effect. I even put salonpas.

December 4(T)

Today is the birthday of my mother. I and my sister, through the help of our aunt, sent our mother cake, roses and noodles. She was really happy and surprised.
I have noticed that my knee area is swelling and it really hurt. I can’t bend it easily when I walk or ride the bicycle. I tried to take the painkiller that makes me sleepy, Ririka, it lessen the pain but it still aches.  As its side effect, when I go to the toilet at midnight, I was really dizzy.

December 5 (W)

I am expecting that today my muscle aches will be gone because when I was confined in the hospital, muscle aches usually last for 2-3 days only, but up to today, the aches is still like in its peak, and my knees are still swelling. When I walk, it is obvious that I am hurting in my knees.

December 6 (Th)

Still no change in my leg muscles, luckily my shoulder and back pains are improving and starts to fade away. Also when I drink painkiller, I can’t feel the pain.

December 7 (F)

Today I got my ordered air fryer delivered! I already tried it and cooked chicken fingers! It was really crunchy and indeed no oil needed. The chicken was moist and juicy and not greasy. It is really good for the health! I am so happy.😋

My friend also gave me a recipe book for kidney patients. It includes ways how to prepare meals with low salt and high energy. It includes recipes from starters to desserts.
With in this week, there is still no change about my LBM, I still have it atleast 4 times a day. My blood pressure is averaging at 130/110. And from my previous outpatient consultation last Nov. 14 my weight was 48.9 kilos, last Nov. 30 consultations, my weight was down to 47.8 kilos, decreased again by 1 kilo. My BMI and height is not balanced anymore. I am worried.

My medicine dosage is still at:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, zinc supplement. Sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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