Saturday, December 15, 2018

December 8 – 14, 2018

December 8 (S)

I got another delivery today too. The one on the right is a powder substance that will be added to meals in order to make the food easy to swallow and also helps in energy level intake. I have to take this as a part of my kidney patient’s diet. And the other one is the protein cut rice grain. This is the same rice that was being given to me when I was still hospitalized. With regular rice, I can only eat up to 50 grams per meal but with this protein cut rice, I can eat up to 100 grams per meal. This is helpful because recently my weight is going down that my body weight and height is not proportioned anymore.

I got my fever blister broken today and it hurts so I have to eat carefully and still my leg muscles hurt.

December 9 (Su)

I got this special coupon from Mcdonald’s (also referred to by people in the Kansai area as Makku / Mc), I am getting a free small fries! Lucky! When I was dining at Mc’s I was asked to move to the next vacant seat so their 3 customers can sit on my 4-seater place. It was a small favor but they rewarded me too in return. I wish we have that also back home.

December 10 (M)

My muscle pain is getting worse and my finger is swelling. I don’t know what this is now because from my past experiences if I have muscle pains, it only lasts for 2-3 days, but now it is like 1 week and it is still like on its peak.

December 11 (T)

My muscles are getting better and the swelling of my finger is now gone. Even though it still hurts, I’m a bit relieved.

December 12 (W)

I got my smart weighing scale! So this weighing scale has a mobile application that can help me monitor my body composition. It can also alert me if I am too skinny or low body fluid level and others. Nowadays there are so many high technology health monitoring products and I'm a bit interested.

December 13 (Th)

I am glad that I am feeling fine! Tomorrow is my outpatient consultation and my parents are coming here in Japan. I am excited to see them again since May.

December 14 (F)

As per my checkup, my statistics are still almost the same as my previous visit. Kitabayashi Sensei, the mama doctor, said that there were changes in values it was just a little, nothing serious. So my medicines were still the same dosage. But since it is December, I have to receive the monthly shot for bone protection. Also today, I will receive the 2nd IV of the new treatment, Benlysta. This is the 2nd part of the 6 part treatment. After the treatment, I experienced a headache and I felt so tired. It was a good thing that I came to the hospital by car so I only felt a little stress when traveling.

The nurse who gave the IV forced the needle to be put on the vein that was used for the blood test, it was not yet healed so when the medicine went in, the vein erupted and this happens. It hurt.

I had the chance to see my nurse friends and the other doctors too. I was also lucky to meet Nagatsuji Sensei by chance. He said that on my next outpatient consultation since it will be the end of the year and patients are few if I want I can be hospitalized. I know it was just a joke, but still, I don’t want to spend the holidays in the hospital. Hahaha! I also had the chance to meet Asai Sensei, the surgeon that practices his English with me, it was a long time since I last saw him.

My parents came here to Japan from the Philippines to visit me! I am so happy. But I am worried if they can manage the cold weather (about 6 degrees Celcius), it was a good thing that they are prepared and brought winter clothes. They even brought these Pasalubongs!
Even though I am tired today, I am sooooo happpyyyy!!

My medicine dosage is still at:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, zinc supplement. Sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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