Saturday, January 05, 2019

December 22-31, 2018 Good News!

December 22 (S)

From my last post, I wrote about my swelling elbow, today it is getting better. The swelling is subsiding. When I walk, I can feel that my muscles are tightening, though I am exercising every day like walking and riding my bicycle.

December 23 (Su)

It is getting really cold nowadays, and it is getting busy due to the holidays, but here in Japan, everybody is busy because there will be a new year’s break for about a week, and the workload is really increasing. I bet in the Philippines is really busy preparing for Christmas doing shopping, preparing for Noche Buena and family reunions. I understand that it is not in the Japanese culture to celebrate Christmas, so even though it is almost the holidays, everybody is working here.

December 24 (M)

In time for Christmas, I got a package from my Tita who is living in Tokyo. Yehey! She sent me winter clothes, and I am really thankful because I really saved a lot of money. Winter clothes really cost and I have no time to look for second-hand stores here. She is really kind.

December 25 (T)

Even though it is Christmas day, I have to go to work. I know it is sad, but thank God that I am not alone this Christmas! My mother and father are here for the holidays. I made a cake! And the rest is prepared by my mother. A simple Noche Buena with a simple Christmas tree, but extraordinary happiness.

December 26 (W)

As a Christmas gift, I bought an air fryer for my mother and father. I want them also to be careful of the foods that they eat. Everybody loves fried foods, but we have to be careful of the oil intake. I was lucky to find a branded but cheap air fryer.

I think I really got excited during the Christmas because of having a Christmas party at work, together with the children that we are taking care of, so I feel really tired today, my knees are like giving up, I have a hard time standing and it is like there is no strength.

December 27 (Th)

I have to give my best up to today because today is the working day in the daycare center. Thank God that it is not that busy. Since it is the last day, and we will be having a new year’s break, I have to use the remaining food items so it will not be wasted. So I made a pudding cake for the children. Well, everybody has a sweet tooth, thank God they liked it.

December 28 (F)

Today is my outpatient consultation, and I got very good news!

Thanks to the new treatment that I am receiving, it seems that my vitals are getting stable. Even though it is not in the standard levels, but somehow, the item that needs to increase is increasing, and the items that need to decrease are stabilizing. Some of my medicines are stopped, like the zinc supplement and ferrous sulfate and the anti-infection medicine from 3 times a week was reduced to once a week. And the good thing is that, from 2 times a month of outpatient appointments, it has been reduced to once a month! Isn’t it good?!

But I have to see an eye doctor, because I complained to Kitabayashi Sensei, mama doctor, that I am experiencing a blurry vision especially when I look down or when I read books. When I was still in the hospital, if I was correct, last August, I had my eye checked and there was nothing wrong. The pharmacist also told me that I have to see an eye doctor because one of the medicines that I am taking might have a side effect on the eyes.

I got my IV. But I experienced fatigue and a little pain in my stomach after it. Since I came to the hospital by car and I have to drive home by myself, I need to rest for a while. I went again to the 14th-floor ward, but I am a little sad because I wasn’t able to meet Nagatsuji Sensei today. I wanted to greet him for the new years. It will be a month again to have a chance to meet him.  

 Since it is holidays, the hospital was not crowded and my appointments for today ended fast.

December 29 (S)

These are my medicines. Since my outpatient consultation was reduced to once a month, I received a prescription that is good for a month. Look at the volume of the medicine! it really surprised me that I have to use this much!

December 30 (Su)

Today I got the new passport for the incurable disease insurance. Here in Japan, they have a special grant from the government so that the medical fees and medicines of people with the so-called なんびょう「難病」or incurable disease will be lessened. And I am really saved because of this! If not, the medical cost will be really high, so high that even I work myself to death I cannot afford it. This grant should be renewed every year, so in time for my next appointment, I received the new passport.

December 31 (M)

As a preparation for the Media Noche, I made a blueberry cheesecake! And we had pork steak too. The way of celebrating the New Year ’s Eve here and in the Philippines is really different.  My parents had a culture shock because it is very silent here; I bet everybody in the Philippines is now having an enjoyable and noisy atmosphere.

My new medicine dosage is:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection reduced to every Monday only.

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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