After almost 2-3 weeks outside the hospital, early July I was admitted again. Since I cannot urinate well, the water is accumulated in my body. This time, it was accumulated in my heart and in my lungs, I had a difficulty of breathing. In addition, I also have edema. It came to the point that I cannot urinate so I have 24 hours IV of anti edema medicine. I have catheter so my urine can be measured. The urine for 24 hours is merely 20cc, and I am swelling more. A catheter for IV was implanted on my neck and I am undergoing blood dialysis 3 times a week for 3 hours so they can take out the water from my body.
I was brought to the Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) because my condition was not getting better. I must undergo dialysis for
24 hours. The ICU doctors are continuously monitoring my vitals especially my
heart and breathing. My Nephrologist also always visits and checks on me. When
my condition was better, I was transferred to the Nephrology ward again. At
last, I can have a good night sleep. In the ICU it was noisy because of the
alarms and the doctors and nurses were coming in regularly.
July 11 midnight, came that I cannot really
sleep because I am having difficulty in breathing and chest pain. The nurse gave
me pain killers and put oxygen mask, somewhat it helped. But as hours passed it
was very difficult to breath that I was chasing my breath, the mask for the
oxygen was changed into a plastic bag structure. In that way, there will be
more oxygen that I can take. I was feeling dizzy, and I think I will pass out.
The emergency doctor told me that they need to bring me to the Intensive Care Unit
I really did pass out, and when I woke up,
I have the catheter for IV on my right hip. I am beside the dialysis machine,
and I was under dialysis for over 24 hours. My body was so weak. I can only
move my eyes. I cannot eat and drink because my stomach hurts and I am having
loose bowel movements. I was so happy that even though the visitation is
limited because of the pandemic, if the patient is in the ICU, anytime and
there was no time limit. K always visits me. He was the messenger for my
family. He brought recorder so I can voice message my family. He also brought
pictures of my family and DVDs to cheer me up. Even though he was busy he still
came regularly.
I love you Lace. I miss you.