Sunday, September 08, 2019

How to convert your Philippine driver's license to Japanese Driving License

How to convert your Philippine driver's license to Japanese Driving License

Yatta! I got my Japanese Drivers License! 

I would like to share my experience on how I got my Japanese Drivers License last September 6, 2019. It was a long and very stressful journey but finally, I got it.

The conversion of a foreign driver's license to a Japanese license is called the gaimen kirikae 外面切替. 
You don‘t have to go and learn in a driving school which really cost a lot of money, (as far as I know it cost 300,000 JPY). So the gaimen kirikae is the cheapest and easy way to get a drivers license.

First, before conversion, you should be living in Japan for at least 3 months. 
These documents are needed:

1. Alien card 在留カード
2. Residents certificate 住民票 from your ku yakusho 区役所

3. Valid Philippine Drivers license with the receipt. If you don't have the receipt, I think it is best to bring your old license so they can verify the date when the new one was issued.
4. Apostille stamped LTO Certification, which can be obtained from LTO main office in Quezon City. This is very important and this was not listed on the websites. I was surprised that I need to present this since I already presented my valid and old licenses together with the receipts. If you don't have this and you are already here in japan you can ask someone to process this for you. You need to write an authorization letter and a copy of your valid ID. This takes 1-day processing and you can get it the next day. 

5. Translation of the Philippine Drivers License which can be obtained from Japan Automobile Federation JAF. You can go to their office and you can get your document in less than an hour, or you can apply via mail.

 6.Passport which will prove that you have already stayed here in Japan for more than 3 months. 

7. 2 pcs ID picture

8. Accomplished application form which you will get from the licensing officer.

If you already have these following documents, go to the nearest Drivers Licensing office / 運転免許試験場in your city. As for me since I live in Osaka City, I have to go to Kadoma licensing office.

After completing the application form, I submitted the documents it will be evaluated by an officer. Be prepared to wait for hours, bring something that you can be busy with. As for food, there is a cafeteria there and konbini outside the building so there is no problem. The officers are kind and very polite in explaining. Some foreigners are not that fluent in Japanese and they don't have translators, but the officers are really trying hard to explain very well. Upon evaluation, I was interviewed of course in Japanese. 
Basically,it is about how I acquired your license, whether I studied in a driving school, what test did I take when you applied for my license, etc. 

Then if everything is okay, I was called to take the written exam. It is a 10 item exam about safety and road rules. I was asked to take the exam in 15 minutes in front of the officer who evaluated my documents. It is written in Japanese and English. You have to get a score of 7 to pass it. The results will be out immediately. I read this book to know the Japanese Rules of the road. You can get this book online or order it from JAF.

I passed the exam and I have to pay for the application fee of 2,550 JPY. 

Then I have to undergo an eye examination. And then book for the driving exam. This will be depending on the open schedule, some times there are so many applicants that the waiting time is very long. As for me, I applied July 1, but my driving exam was July 22. You will receive these, test permit and some booklets for you to study. They will also give you a copy of the course that you have to remember.

And the schedule on the exam day.

Then my driving exam day came, it was July 22. I passed my test voucher for verification and i have to pay 1,450 JPY for the rental of the car and the course. Then I waited in a room together with all the people who will take the exam. There will be an officer who will explain everything about the exam. How is it graded, about the course, precaution and other things. Then I undergo again for an eye exam, back to the waiting room and waited for my turn.

The examiner and another examinee will be in the same car while you drive. And the examiner will give you direction on which road will you take. But it will be very advantageous if you memorized the course. I failed. I didn`t even manage to drive half of the course. I was totally out because I wasn`t able to fully stop at the stop area. Then the examiner will explain the things you need to improve. I need to apply again for the next driving exam and pay another 2,550 JPY. I was lucky that the next open date for the driving exam was July 26. So I tried again. I paid the 1,450 JPY rental again. 

I learned some lessons. I went to the exam site early and tried to walk into the course twice so I can have the feel. I memorized the course. Also, another thing is, it will be advantageous if you will have the chance to ride in the car of another examinee. In order to have this chance, before paying the 1,450 JPY rental, the will be a line for registration. Let the others fall in line first, it will be safe to say to have 10-15 person ahead of you. Even though you will wait at least you will have the chance to ride as a spectator. This time I got that chance. Then it was my turn. I am a bit confident, I tried to keep calm as possible and reply to the examiner when he gives you directions like 「はい」 or「わかりました」. But I think I reached the limit of deduction for the passing score. I was out and managed to drive 3/4 of the course. I failed again and lost my confidence. The examiner told me that I should not stop in blind curves because I can check it with my line of sight. Also, I need to check the back when I shift lanes. And I should go more on the left side when turning left. It was very hard to see because the side mirror is attached to the hood of the car and it cannot be adjusted.

I need to apply for another exam and pay the fee of 2,550 JPY again. I was really having some depression I think my driving skills are not enough. I think this time I really put a lot of caution which made me failed.

The next driving test day was scheduled on August 23. But I canceled it because I have to go for a sudden trip to the hospital because I was not feeling well. I am vomiting and suffering LBM. So I called the licensing office and asked for a change of date. I moved it to September 6.

So September 6 came. I again came in early and walked the course twice. I was lucky to ride as a spectator and the examinee finished the course. I saw him passed the exam. So I copied his moves, make it easier for the examiner to see that I am really looking at the mirrors and the back. Memorized the course. Put in mind the tips and caution from the last exam.  Go over more to the left side when turning left. Remember to reply to the examiner and be very calm. And Yes! After 3 times, I managed to pass! I was so happy and relieved. Also, the examiner still gave me the points that I need to be careful of.

So I have to wait until 11:30 for the explanation of the process that we will undergo today for obtaining the license card. It was a good thing that even though I will wait until 14:00, I can get my card. So this is what my application looked like when I passed the exam. They gave me the yellow card which will be used for the picture taking later. I have to pay the driver's license card fee of 2,050 JPY. Then set up Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the card. 

Waited for the picture taking and waited another 30 minutes and, I got my Japanese License card! 

Well, 3 times was not that bad, spending around 17,000 JPY to get a license rather than going to a driving school. It was a good experience. Don`t lose hope, 1 application is entitled up to 10 times driving exams within half a year. But if you failed 10 times, you have to re-apply and submit all the documents again. Plus you have to be careful of the validity of your documents.

I hope you got some tips from my experience. Have a wonderful journey!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

June 23 - 29,2019

Last week was shocking,but as they say,there is always a rainbow after the rain,this week was good.

So instead of the doctors plan of   Friday discharge,I got out of the hospital Tuesday,June 25. The Monday blood test result was good so all my medicines will be reverted back to tablets and capsules,the doctors said that I should be under observation under 3 days but I insisted that I will go home and have self observation. We had a deal but I need to go for the out patient consultation on Friday,June 28. I was thankful that I was able to go home earlier than what have they planned. 

Business as usual,the next day I went to work already. I am so happy to see everybody,though I was sorry to made them worry. But as the saw me I got better and they were happy too. 

And another blessing came! After almost 3 months of waiting,the immigration office finally answered my petition for the extension of my visa. I got extended! So I went immediately to the immigration office to get my new Identification card. 

Friday,I went to see my doctor and the results were fine. Though my medicines increased,the laboratory test results were improving. The self injection of Benlysta still continuous. 

By the way,the medicine representative of Benlysta gave me something. Better late that never! I got this tote bag,insulated bag (because the medicine should be refrigerated),    Yellow disposal bag (used injections should be disposed in the hospital)and another set of pamphlets. 

I was able to maintain my weight this week so that means there was no edema for now though my muscles aches. I am taking pain killers so I can manage. Because of the steroid pulse I am having difficulty in sleeping even though I am taking sleeping pills. 

My new medicine dosage:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenilfurosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 

Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier) and pain killer + intestinal medicine
Benlysta A self injection every Friday

🌃Evening: from 7.5mg to 10mg of Predonine, 2.5 to 3 capsules of Prograf , 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, half tablet of a blood pressure medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 16 - 22, 2019 A week vacation?

After being free from the hospital  for about 7 months who would have thought that I had to be hospitalized again. This last 7 months as much as possible I endured and bared the pain so that I will not be admitted. But I this time last Thursday,June 20,I was rushed to the hospital. 

It started last week when I woke up in the morning I am feeling pain in my feet especially when I walk. My fingers too are swelling. But last Tuesday, even though I took pain killers,it was like it didnt worked. The whole day my feet hurt. I felt really tired and sleepy. But I still managed to go to work.

Then Wednesday, I felt better but I am experiencing muscle cramps especially on my fingers. 

Thursday, when I woke up at around 5:00 am,  I wanted to go to the toilet but I cant move my body. I tried hard for about 10 minutes and I was able to sit. I tried standing up but as I step my feet it really hurt I was really crying. It really felt a long way to the toilet and I had a hard time bending my knees it took me about 30 minutes for that trip to the toilet. Even though I took pain killers it didnt work and my whole body ached. I also had fever. 
I called my friend to help me and we decided to go to the nearby clinic. But the doctor there is not my attending physician,so the clinic just called an ambulance for me and we went to the hospital to see my doctor. 

Nagatsuji Sensei welcomed me at the Emergency Room and I dont know if we will be happy to see each other. The last time I went to the hospital I went to greet him and we were just joking about me admitted,and we didnt expect that we will be meeting in the ER. He ordered that I have to under go blood test, ECG, X-ray, and CT scan. 

As the results came,Nagatsuji sensei decided that I have to be confined. Because according to the findings,my albumin level,body nutrition,went bad that my intestines are a little swollen which cause the edema to worsen. There is also possibility of infection in my intestines. 

As treatment my team of doctors decided that I have to receive 250mg pulse steroid,albumin and 2 shots of laysix (to make urination easier)via IV for 3 days from Thursday to Saturday. The doctors said that if the medicines are in IV,the body can absorb it quickly and the effects are greater and faster. 

I am feeling better now, the edema is almost gone and I am able to walk since Friday. I exercised in the garden. It has been a while, I missed the view.

As planned,starting Sunday,the 20mg steroids and a shot of lay six will administered via IV. Then if the blood test on Monday will have a good result,my medicines will be back to the normal tablets. I hope I can be discharged as early as Monday but Nagatsuji Sensei told me that Tuesday will be a little tight. 

I guess I will be staying here in this "hotel" until next week.

June 9 - 15,2019

I noticed that my white hair are appearing. So I dyed my hair dark brown. But when I washed it ,it was super black and every one noticed that I colored my hair,they said that it is like I came out of a drawing book,my hair was so black.
My friend went to Osaka for work and visited me. I am so happy because when we are in the Philippines,our schedules didnt matched up and we were not able to meet. This time we had yakiniku for dinner and we went to a near by izakaya to sit and talk for a long time. It was very fun. The next day,luckily my stomach didnt hurt even though I ate meat and fried foods. Once again my attempt to eat vegetables only was ruined. I will try harder next time.

At last,an instruction from the immigration office came. This is the list that me and my employer should pass to the immigration office. The deadline for this is up to the 20th but my employer was kind enough to finish everything and I hand delivered the documents last June 13. I hope my visa extension will be approved. 
Once again I got a very belated birthday gift from my coworker. It is a very cute panda socks and a Disney pouch. I was so lucky. 
I also got this very elegant book marks as a souvenir from my coworker. I will use this on my study books. 
This week I injected benlysta in my left thigh. I am getting used to it. But there are marks from the shot last week. But I think it is fine because it is hidden under my clothes. The day I inject, I am feeling sleepy and tired. It is a good thing that Friday is my rest day and I can sleep all I want.

The day after I ate meat I had slight edema on my fingertips and feet. Recently when I wake up and walk my feet hurt. But I need to go to the toilet so I am really bearing it. I am taking pain killers at noon so in time for my work the pain killers are in effect so I can do my job. 

Compared from before,I am feeling great in the morning,  but it seems recently,I am feeling pain in the morning and feeling energetic in the evening. 

My medicine dosage:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenilfurosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 

Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier) and pain killer + intestinal medicine
Benlysta A self injection every Friday

🌃Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2.5 capsules of Prograf , 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, half tablet of a blood pressure medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

June 2 - 8, 2019

After cramming,  I finally finished reading the half part of these books and I am able to finish the midterm exam. The exam is due on June 4,but I will mail it today June 2.
It was a long time since I had the chance to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken. As expected,the menu here and in the Philippines is not the same. They are not selling rice here,but biscuit instead. It was a good thing that even though I ate this oily fried chicken,my stomach didnt hurt. 
I got this cute towel as a belated birthday gift from my coworker. The color is really fit for the summer season.

So it is Friday and I will be self injecting my treatmentbenlysta. I am a little nervous. I already took it out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before injecting. If the medicine is cold,it will hurt more when it enters the body. I injected it on my right thigh. The needle was thick so it was painful. The liquid took 15 seconds to enter my body then I waited for 3 seconds then I took the needle out.  So it just totaled 18 seconds and it was done.

This is what the spot looks like day after I injected Benlysta. It is just like a mosquito bite. I prefer this than the IV hemorrhages.

As I took the 1st injection last week in the hospital,thinking  about this week,I was feeling energized and there were no new edema that showed up. But some accumulated fats under my arms formed. It is still little but I think it will be big. It is not painful or anything it is just a lump and it is some kind of hard. 

My medicine dosage:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenilfurosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 

Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier) and pain killer + intestinal medicine
Benlysta A self injection every Friday

🌃Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2.5 capsules of Prograf , 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, half tablet of a blood pressure medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

May 26 - Jun 1, 2019 Happy birthday to me!

  It is my birthday and I am busy from early in the morning. I went to the immigration office to follow up my visa extension. Still there was no news and the officer only told me that the regular waiting time for now is 3-4 months. This is due to the influx of foreign workers here in Japan starting this April.

At work,I and the kids made this cake and pasta for my birthday. 

At home I ate this cake for my birthday it was delicious! 

And as a gift to myself I bought this dress and rubber shoes. I chose the shoes because the front part has a lot of room even if my foot has edema it will not be tight. Its light and cheap. 

My coworker went to Vietnam and she gave me this beautiful pouch. This is so cute that I dont want to use it.

I went to the hospital for my monthly check up. The statistics were not that good. The values for c3 and c4 , the score for my immune system, which supposed to gobe up went down. The albumin, body's nutrition level, went down. And the DNA, which measure the lupus activity, went up instead of going down. Well, mama doctor told me that there is nothing to worry for now. She dimished my high blood pressure medicine since my blood pressure is already stable.  I also asked mama doctor to let me take pain reliver only as need. I got my benlysta treatment changed from IV to self injection. So every friday I will have to inject my self. We will see if this will have a new effect because when I am receiving it via IV, 2 weeks after I am feeling not that  good. I was thinking that the medicine's effect is wearing off. So we will try this weekly injection. A nurse taught me how to use it. We even used a practice kit. It was so fun.

I planned to change my diet to all vegetable diet and as much as possible I dont want to eat meatbut as a birthday treat my friend feed me Sashimi, raw tuna fishit is one of my favorite and I cant help but to eat. He said make my birthday a cheat day. 

There were edema in my hands and feet. I had a hard time walking some days but I managed it though.  

My new medicine dosage:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenilfurosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 

☀ Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier) and pain killer + intestinal medicine
Benlysta A self injection every Friday

🌃Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2.5 capsules of Prograf , 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, half tablet of a blood pressure medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.