Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 9 - 15,2019

I noticed that my white hair are appearing. So I dyed my hair dark brown. But when I washed it ,it was super black and every one noticed that I colored my hair,they said that it is like I came out of a drawing book,my hair was so black.
My friend went to Osaka for work and visited me. I am so happy because when we are in the Philippines,our schedules didnt matched up and we were not able to meet. This time we had yakiniku for dinner and we went to a near by izakaya to sit and talk for a long time. It was very fun. The next day,luckily my stomach didnt hurt even though I ate meat and fried foods. Once again my attempt to eat vegetables only was ruined. I will try harder next time.

At last,an instruction from the immigration office came. This is the list that me and my employer should pass to the immigration office. The deadline for this is up to the 20th but my employer was kind enough to finish everything and I hand delivered the documents last June 13. I hope my visa extension will be approved. 
Once again I got a very belated birthday gift from my coworker. It is a very cute panda socks and a Disney pouch. I was so lucky. 
I also got this very elegant book marks as a souvenir from my coworker. I will use this on my study books. 
This week I injected benlysta in my left thigh. I am getting used to it. But there are marks from the shot last week. But I think it is fine because it is hidden under my clothes. The day I inject, I am feeling sleepy and tired. It is a good thing that Friday is my rest day and I can sleep all I want.

The day after I ate meat I had slight edema on my fingertips and feet. Recently when I wake up and walk my feet hurt. But I need to go to the toilet so I am really bearing it. I am taking pain killers at noon so in time for my work the pain killers are in effect so I can do my job. 

Compared from before,I am feeling great in the morning,  but it seems recently,I am feeling pain in the morning and feeling energetic in the evening. 

My medicine dosage:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenilfurosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 

Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier) and pain killer + intestinal medicine
Benlysta A self injection every Friday

🌃Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2.5 capsules of Prograf , 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, half tablet of a blood pressure medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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