Saturday, February 23, 2019

February 17-23, 2019

I am feeling good this week! My blood pressure too is consistently good, there are no new bruises, and the ones that I already have though slowly, it is healing. It is just that I am still having troubles with my knees and feet. Sometimes when I wake up and step my feet, I feel pain as I walk. Then it last for a while, but when I keep on moving it slowly fades. My knees sometimes hurts that the new painkillers are not working well so I am having additional painkillers in the afternoon (the strong ones that I was taking before).

I tried to challenged myself and took a Business Japanese Language Proficiency Test (BJT). I just got J2 level, which is the 3rd highest level. If ever my visa will be extended, I can use this certificate for the preferential application of long term visa. For this method, every person must have at least 70 points in order to pass. I think I need 20 more points too qualify and I was thinking that if I can have this, the immigration will give me extra points. I was aiming to score 480 points above because it will give me 15 points additional but I only got 451 points which is equivalent to 10 points bonus only. I am planning to take another test after 3 months maybe.

Last January, I renewed my passport, and I already received it! It did took 6 weeks. Well, it is okay. And my passport is valid for 10 years.

It was my outpatient check up. I also got my 5/6 shot of benlysta. I was lucky to meet my friend nurses, I have not seen them for a while because when I went there last month they were on night shit. I was also lucky to meet Nagatsuji Sensei, Kadosawa Sensei and Inoue Sensei. Nagatsuji Sensei was kind enough to give me consultation even though we were just talking in the reception area. I showed him the cyst-like thingy that is on my arms and at the back of my knees. He suggested to have a biopsy of it to be sure. But when I told it to Kitabayashi Sensei, mama doctor, she disagreed, because if it will be taken out, it might grow again and it will be endless. I also told mama Kitabayashi Sensei about my swollen legs and feet so she scheduled me for a consultation under a rheumatologist. It will be on Friday, March 1.

I need to be careful of my cholesterol though, and my creatinine is high. Creatinine is tested to know if the kidneys are working properly, well since I have lupus nephritis, my creatinine level is higher than the normal person. Except from that, other statistics are getting great. So, Kitabayashi Sensei decided to decrease my medicines. My steroids are down from 17.5mg to 15mg. Even though just a little change, I think it is good. And Prograf , one of my main medicines for the lupus, is down from 3 capsules to 2 capsules. I think this is really a good sign!  

My new medicine dosage is:

🌅Morning: from 10mg to 7.5mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, a new brand of pain killer + intestinal medicine and additional medicine for infection reduced to every Monday only.

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, from 3 capsules of Prograf down to 2 and 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, from half it became 1 tablet of a blood pressure medicine, a new brand of pain killer + intestinal medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & new brand #2.

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