Monday, February 11, 2019

January 27- February 2, 2019

It is getting cold recently here because of the peak of winter here in February, but it is a good thing that it is not snowing here in Osaka. 

This whole week I felt itching and hurting of my throat. This may be caused by the cold weather that makes my throat dry. I also have a dry cough. Since it is getting cold, my leg muscles are hurting too that sometimes as I walk I am having cramps. I must walk slowly and keep my self warm. I am even wearing 3 pieces of under leggings and 2 pieces of undershirt plus my outer clothes and my jacket.

Thanks to the additional blood pressure medicine, I am not feeling hot that much and it seems that recently my blood pressure is not shooting up. It is also the 1st week of using the new brand of painkiller and sleeping pill. So far, it has a nice effect. Also, I am not experiencing scary back pain.

I and my friends went to see a circus show last February 1. I was amazed and it was like I was back to my childhood days. The last time I saw a circus show was a very long time ago that I don’t even remember it. It was fun, it took my stress and somehow I escaped reality for 2 hours.

After that, I had sudden contact with my friend. They said that they will be coming to meet me at Morinomiya station at around 7pm. Since they don’t have pocket wifi, there was no way to contact them. It was a good thing that the circus show ended at 6pm, so, I had the time to go and meet them. So I waited at the Morinomiya station, and thank God they came at around 7pm. 

We didn’t have enough time to catch up, but it was fun meeting them. It was a waste that we didn’t have enough time, so I wasn’t able to let them eat the Osaka’s delicacies like okonomiyaki, Kushi katsu, and takoyaki. So we just ate ramen and chashuu (roasted pork).
I only ate a small amount of ramen and 3 pieces of chashuu (roasted pork), but I had a loose bowel movement. I am feeling bloated and my stomach hurts. I think the chashuu (roasted pork) is the cause of it since it contains fat. I was confident to eat it because it was roasted not fried, but still, it was no good.

My new medicine dosage is:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, a new brand of pain killer + intestinal medicine and additional medicine for infection reduced to every Monday only.

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, from half it became 1 tablet of a blood pressure medicine, a new brand of pain killer + intestinal medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & new brand #2.

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