Monday, February 11, 2019

January 20-26, 2019*

January 20 (Su)

I received this sweater from my Indian friend. She said that her mom made this for her but the size did fit her. It was a perfect fit for me! It will be usable in this cold weather.

I am feeling pain in my back and my joints. I am trying to take a break every time I move but it is not getting better. I also took the painkillers. At night, the pain starts to grow, from my lover back to my shoulders. I can still remember this kind of pain when I was still hospitalized. My whole body really hurt and I can’t breathe freely. I tried to stay awake because I was afraid and it was really hurting that I wasn’t able to sleep even though I took sleeping pills.

January 21 (M)

I visited the ophthalmologist (eye doctor) to have my eyes checked. I complained to mama doctor, Kitabayashi sensei that recently when I look below, I am feeling a little dizziness and when it is daylight it is hard for me to see.

It took almost 2 hours for me to finish the laboratory tests. They applied medicines to my eyes and I waited for around 30 minutes for it to effect. Then the result of the 1st test came out, the ophthalmologist said that she will be performing another test because she saw something that is not normal. So they put again another medicine, then I had like an x-ray. Then the results came out. The layer of my eyes is starting to get thin, but for now, it is not that serious and I should not be bothered by it. She said that it could be caused by the side effects of the medicines that I am currently taking. The last time I had my eye checked, there was nothing like this. I was lucky enough that my friend came with me because the medicines for the test made my eyes hard to see.

January 22 (T)

My fingers are swelling again. But it was funny because part of my finger is only swelling, and not all are swelling.

Still, as the night falls, my back is hurting, I tried to stay awake, but this is the 2nd night and I know I have to sleep, my body is taking the toll for not sleeping well last night, but my mind doesn’t seem to be sleepy.

January 23 (W)*

When I woke up today, my back pain subsided. I think it is it has become morning already. I have the pattern of getting strong in the morning and as the day passes, my energy fades and some parts of my body hurt.

My leg muscles hurt, can you see my left knee is swelling. I think the cold weather also adds up to the cause of this pain. I can’t bend my knees well, so I have to walk to work instead of riding a bicycle.

January 24 (Th)

I noticed something in my inner right arm near my elbow. It started itchily and it became big, now it looks like it is swelling but it doesn’t hurt.

January 25 (F)

I have my outpatient consultation today. My blood tests are getting good. It seems like the Benlysta is giving out a good effect. Even though I haven’t reached the standard measurements for each category, the numbers that have to be increased are increasing, as well as the numbers that have to be decreased are decreasing.

When mama doctor, Kitabayasi sensei, measured my blood pressure, it was up to 150/110, so she was bothered by it, and I complained to her that recently I am feeling hot. She said also that since I am in pain, it may also cause a rise in my blood pressure, so she added a new medicine for blood pressure. I also had my painkillers and sleeping pills changed, we were afraid that I am getting used to the medicines that I am taking right now so I cannot feel its effect.  And mama doctor wanted me to take the painkillers in the morning and in the evening. She said that the strange thing in my elbow is a symptom of skin lupus, it is a harden fat, it will heal but it will take time to flatten out.

I had the 4th IV of Benlysta. After my IV, I went to the 14th ward to greet the nurses, and I was lucky to meet Nagatsuji Sensei. It has been a while since I saw him.

I will be back again after 1 month.

January 26 (S)

I got a sudden contact with my friend, he said that he and his girlfriend came to Osaka to visit. It was a good thing that I am living near Osaka Castle, and we met there. We didn’t make a plan but thank God our schedules met. I was so happy to meet them.

My new medicine dosage is:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, a new brand of pain killer + intestinal medicine and additional medicine for infection reduced to every Monday only.

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, from half it became 1 tablet of a blood pressure medicine, a new brand of pain killer + intestinal medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & new brand #2.

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