Saturday, May 11, 2019

April 21-27, 2019

I am feeling really heavy and I think I have a fever. I don’t know, but today’s work was not tiring. I got my back massaged and after that my nose got runny.    I am relieved and I slept really well. The next day, I woke up feeling really good. I followed the advice of a friend and I started to do morning stretching exercises. 

I received this 3 piece towel set from a friend. It is my favorite rilakuma character and I am so happy. These will be very useful since it is getting warmer and I am starting to sweat especially in the afternoon.

My hemorrhages keep getting better and it is starting to fade! But there are spider veins / varicose veins. I think it is scary to see, but it doesn`t hurt. The doctors told me that it is the side effect of the steroids that causes my skin to be weak, and as for women who use steroids, these varicose veins are easy to be developed in the lower extremities.

I had my regular monthly checkup. My statistics are not improving nor getting bad, it was almost the same as last month. But the DNA that indicated the activity of the lupus is somewhat getting higher and it is not good, but still manageable. I got my monthly IV of Benlysta (medication for lupus) and bonviva (to prevent osteoporosis). I complained to mama doctor that my edema is not getting better and there was a week that I couldn`t fit my feet in my shoes. I had to use slippers and it was hard for me to walk because the bottom of my toes was swelling. Mama doctor was thinking about what medicine to adjust. Thinking about the side effects, she is afraid to increase the dosage of the main lupus medicines ( Cellcept and Prograf) or to increase steroids. She decided to increase another 2.5mg of steroids and additional furosemide (to make urination easier) to make the edema go away.

I got this gift card from the hospital as a thank you gift for participating in a survey application for medicine. I took the trial 3 months and at the end, they asked me to answer an evaluation sheet.

I wasn`t able to pay my hospital bills and my medicines because I have to make a correction on my insurance since I got company insurance last February. So I just signed a promissory note in the hospital stating that I will pay my bills in the event that my new insurance papers arrive. I went to the City hall to file for the amendments it was quick and they also reimbursed me for the overpayment I made since February. It was very quick and the staffs are very nice.

On my way home, I went to buy this bread. It was famous and the customers who line up to buy this bread was long. The store has a set time for the selling of the brad. They sell it hot and fresh from the oven. The price is 3 times than normal bread. But it was worth it because it is very delicious and it is good for the body because of the ingredients that they use.

The next day I woke up, I noticed a hemorrhage from the IV that I received. Well, no wonder. At the last 15 minutes of my IV, it was hurting, I just tolerated the pain, because I don`t want the IV to be reattached. I think this will took weeks to fade.

My new medicine dosage is:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, pain killer + intestinal medicine, furosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 
Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier).


🌃Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Prograf  + 0.5 capsule and 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, f 1 tablet of a blood pressure medicine, pain killer + intestinal medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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