Saturday, May 04, 2019

March 24-30, 2019

I got a gift from my co-worker; she said that it is a post-white day gift. She said it was late because she only got her day off and she went home to her parent’s house in Kobe so she bought me these almond chocolates.

It was the last day of a child that we are taking care off. He graduated junior high school and he will enter high school. Since his new school is far, he cannot go to our day service anymore, so as his last day, I and my Indian co-worker baked these mini cupcakes and throw a party for him.

While having a party for him, I stepped on the cushion and fell. I broke my lips. It hurt. It was a good thing that my co-worker who is a nurse was also on shift with me and she checked my body. She said it was okay., but she was worried about any broken bone. Due to steroids, my bones are weak and prone to breaking. But my body landed on the cushion so I think it will be okay.

March 29, I and my boss went to the immigration office for my visa extension. Since my visa is valid up to this May 18 only, we filed for the extension. I only submitted the visa extension application form and my passport. And the immigration officer told me that if ever there will be any documents needed they will contact me through postcard (hagaki). So I have to wait, I think there will be plenty of time. But I am just worried since Japan will open hiring for foreign workers, the visa might take a while.

This week, I have edema on my feet. I noticed a sudden increase in my weight. But I think it is manageable since I can urinate well.

My medicine is still at:

🌅Morning: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, pain killer + intestinal medicine and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. Additional furosemide (to make urination easier).

🌜Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Prograf  + 0.5 capsule and 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, f 1 tablet of a blood pressure medicine, pain killer + intestinal medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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