Thursday, May 16, 2019

April 28 – May 4, 2019

I am feeling good and I decided to go on grocery shopping and I found this mango drink. Yes, it is from the Philipines. I tried it, it was delicious, but my Japanese friend said that the taste was a little blunt, he was expecting more mango taste. Well, I guess it can`t be helped since it was processed into juice and water was added.

I got a letter of invitation to attend a seminar about insurance coverage and computation. My boss applied me to this seminar. I am nervous about this because the lecture will be Japanese and there are a lot of special terms to be used. I am afraid that I might not understand all, but I will try my best since mathematics is not bound by language.

A new emperor has taken over the position, the Heisei Era here in Japan has already ended, and it is the start of the Reiwa Era. The very first 10-day holiday here in Japan has started.

Even though it is a holiday, since the children in our day service have no classes in school, they come to us. That means I have work and in seasons like this, we tend to go outside for walks or other activities.

We went to what they called athletics. This is an obstacle course located in the mountain woods. There are 30 obstacle courses for each round. It is really exciting and a great experience for the children because it can help them improve physically, the way they think about how to get through the obstacles and also improve their social skills. Though it was tiring for me because I wasn’t in the half of the course and I felt shaking on my knees already and I was very tired. I also slipped and tumbled many times because the mountain path was rough. Since I have to guide the children and I have to carry some of their stuff it was very hard for me to finish the course. At night when I got home, I feel feverish and my body hurt all over as if I can't move. Even though I took pain relievers, it was like it was not working and I had a hard time sleeping. I guess this exercise like hiking it too extreme for me.

We went to the national museum of arts, the theme of the displayed arts was about life and death. It was deep, some of the children we were taking care of doesn’t appreciate the items and they wanted to go out immediately, they think it is boring. 

So we went to the Osaka Science Museum, which is just across the art museum. There are interesting pieces of stuff, it has been a while since I went to a museum. I felt really amazed. I think the children enjoyed their time here.

I got a day off and I went out with my friend. We went to a garden above a water recycling plant that is near my place. I was so amazed that there is a facility like this and the rooftop was converted into a park and pond. It was very beautiful. 

Then we went to the riverside park. As expected since it is the Golden week, there were many people doing barbeque in the park, it was so lively. Then we went to a nearby mall and we ate ice cream! Perfect for the hot weather!

Overall it was a tiring but very amazing week. Being with the children makes me learn new about them every day and what they interest them. I need to build up my stamina to keep up with their pace. It was a good thing that the weather is getting warmer and my leg muscles are improving. And I just had my monthly charge of Benlysta ( the medicine for lupus), so I am feeling recharged. It is just that when I walked too much my edema worsens especially at night. I have to sleep with my feet elevated on the cushion and pain killers are my best friend.

My medicine dosage:

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, pain killer + intestinal medicine, furosemide (to make urination easier) and additional medicine for infection every Monday only. 

Noon: furosemide (to make urination easier).


🌃Evening: 7.5mg of Predonine, 2.5 capsules of Prograf , 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol medicine, f 1 tablet of a blood pressure medicine, pain killer + intestinal medicine, and sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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