Friday, October 05, 2018

October 1-4, 2018

Hello! long time no post. Sorry about that.🙇

October 1 was the date of my discharge but I wasn’t able to go home😥. My doctors advised me to extend and go out once my LBM is gone. They said that it is safer to extend in the hospital🏥 than, going home then if things got worse, I will be admitted again. Nagatsuji Sensei also asked me to stay and give him peace of mind. 😂

So I decided to extend😳. I had my CT scan. There is accumulated water in my stomach.😱 Please see the yellow circle in the picture. Nagatusji Sensei said that the accumulation of water is due to the imbalance of nutrients in my body that is caused by SLE / lupus; which leads to LBM.  😿

The treatment my doctors suggested is that I will be under fasting again😰 so that I can let my digestive system rest. I said it is okay for me because I haven’t eaten since Saturday, September 29. I have my IV for the nutrients, and for 3 days, October 1-3, I will be receiving 2 bins of albumin per day.💬Albumin helps reduce the edema (water retention) by drawing fluid from the body into the blood vessels.

Since I am not eating my LBM is slowly fading away.😌 I am just losing strength in my legs. I am not allowed to go and walk outside since I am not eating anything and I have IV, it is dangerous that I may fall down again.

I am just allowed to drink water or tea. But every time I have intake, my stomach is hurting.😫 I have to endure the pain every time I drink my medicine. Not eating and with stomach hurting I have no energy, I just spent most of my time lying down and sleeping💤. I also started to take Ririka, the painkiller that has a sleeping pill like effect, which is why I am always drowsy.💫

Nagatsuji Sensei told me that if the blood test result will be good I can eat starting lunch on Friday, October 5.👌 But I have to start with rice porridge again.😑

I am praying that tomorrow will be a brighter day than today.🙏

My new medicine dosage is:
🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

🌜Evening: 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, zinc supplement, and Ririka. I am still taking sleeping pills #1 & #2.

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