Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 11-17, 2018

After my discharge from the hospital, I would like to have a quick story of what is happening about me.

October 11 (TH)

 I tried to go to my workplace for a change of mood. Visit and greet the people there. I forgot that there was a step in that place, I fell down. It was like my legs don’t have any strength, I just fell down like a vegetable. It was a good thing that I was not hurt or anything.
I also saw that my legs are starting to have bruises even if I didn’t bump to anything.

October 12 (F)

The mother of my boss came to my house and gave me congratulatory rice. It is a tradition here in Japan, when you are celebrating something, this kind of rice will be given out.

Since I was confined for over 4 months, I haven’t had any exercise. Because of that, I am having muscle pains.

But I can feel that my stomach is moving healthily. This is a good sign.

October 13 (Sat)

My hair is falling, to the extent that it looks so thin so I got a haircut.

I am starting to have UTI symptoms. When I urinate, it hurt. My lower left back also hurt. This lower left back pain is still the pain that I was complaining to the doctors. But I can still bear the pain, I didn’t take any painkiller.

My friends also came to visit me, I was so happy. My Indian friend made us lunch and she even brought cakes.

October 14 (Sun)

Once again I went to my workplace for observation and to learn about the work that I will do when I am fully recovered. Even though I am not moving that rigorously, I am feeling dizzy and nauseous.

I also got back the company phone. So that I can contact them in case of emergency.

October 15 (M)

I tried to ride my bicycle and go to my workplace. It was very difficult for me, my legs are still not working properly, and I really need practice and exercise. Even taking the stairs was very difficult.

October 16 (T)

When I took a bath, I saw that my skin was really transparent like that I can see my veins, and small veins like a spider web are developing. At first, when I was still in the hospital, these spider web-like veins were just developing in my legs, but now, it is developing at my back and my chest.

I also observed that since it is starting to get cold here, my throat is quick drying and it hurt.

Starting today, I didn’t take the sleeping pills, but I had a hard time falling asleep. I ended up not having enough sleep.

October 17 (W)

Since I told my friend that I was having a hard time standing up from the Japanese type bed (futon), he lent me a folding bed. It was easier to get up especially at night when I go to the toilet. My legs are not yet working properly.

My stomach is hurting and I am having LBM. I take a painkiller, luckily the pain was gone but I am still having LBM.

So this is a brief summary of what happened to me in the past week.

Still, my medicine dosage is the same.

🌅Morning: 10mg of Predonine, 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and additional medicine for infection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

🌜Evening: 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, zinc supplement.


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