A very gloomy day, this is what I saw as I look outside my window.
But it is a very good morning! 💃I am feeling good as I wake up. Recently I am maintaining my weight. This is a good sign! ✌
Today I had my breakfast with my roommates Hata san and Oota san. 💓It was fun because we are almost the same age and we can talk about many things. The breakfast for today is 100g rice, vegetables and ham in tomato sauce, nori, 5 pieces of medium sized grapes, and tea. Oota san was surprised by the amount of medicine that I am taking; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, Plaquenil, Cytomegalovirus antibiotic, and the additional pill for anti-infection.
It was right after we had breakfast and it was when we were going back to our room when I bumped in to Nagatsuji Sensei!😻 I was so surprised and very happy that I hugged him and the nurses laughed at us. 😂 He said he wanted to see me and check the symptoms. (aaaawww, so sweet) I was so happy to see him safe and that he came back in one piece, but he looks so tired early in the morning. He said that he was stranded for 1 day in Hokkaido due to the earthquake, and able to rest only on Sunday.
Hata san will be discharged today. It was just a short admission because she had a minor procedure. Though we only talk for a short time, it was fun.
Nagatsuji Sensei, came back with the blood test results. It is still the same like last time, but with a little improvement in some aspects.👍 But my white blood cell count is dropping a little, he said that it may be because of the Cytomegalovirus antibiotic. So he is thinking to stop the Cytomegalovirus antibiotic starting tomorrow. Is this a good sign?! 😶Well, since the number of medicine will be decreased, it is a good sign!🙆
Today is a little different, I thought I was feeling well but all of a sudden, my lower right back aches. 💦It was the left side that usually hurts. I asked for Ririka but it was out of stock in the nurse station and they have to order it in the pharmacy.😱 I will be waiting for a while. It really hurt that I have to lie down. Nagatsuji Sensei ordered it in an emergency status so it came within an hour. 😫
I had my lunch with Oota san. It was 100g rice, butter and soy sauce flavored fish, steamed vegetables and sweet potato salad. The food was delicious and indeed it is really fun to have a meal with somebody.😋
After lunch, I thought that the medicine is taking effect, but the pain only decreased a little. So I helped myself, I studied so that I cannot think of the pain. But I was studying while standing, because it hurt if I sit. 😥It was late in the afternoon when Ririka took its full effect, I am feeling sleepy, and so I went to the family mart to buy a café latte.
I received this from Oota san. So lucky!✌ It looks so delicious. This is a mammon like cup cake with sweetened black beans. A friend of hers gave a box of these as a gift so she gave me one. It looks delicious, but I have to have the approval to eat this as a snack.
I had dinner with Oota san again, she said that she will be discharged tomorrow. The dinner is 100g rice, fried chicken, boiled winter melon, broccoli salad, 3 slices of apples, and tea. Then I took my medicine; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellcept, ferrous sulfate, and anti-cholesterol medicine. It was when we finished our meal that Nagatsuji Sensei came to the canteen to see me.
We went back to my ward, and Nagatsuji Sensei gave me the result of the 24 hour urine test. It went up a little but still ok. Then he said that he is looking into the date of my discharge and he is thinking it will be at the end of September.😇🎓🎇🎊 He is suggesting doing another renal biopsy to check my kidney for inflammation. He is asking me if we will do it before I get discharged or after 1 year. I said, I think it is better to do it before I get discharged just to be sure.😊
Mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei also made her rounds, I asked her if I can work right after I got discharged. She said that if it only light work, then it is okay. I described my work to her and she said it is okay, but be sure to wear a mask, because I am very prone to infection. What a relief! 😌
I prayed for the blessings. Today I have received good news, very thankful.🙇
I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 23:00 JST. Let us sleep after a long day.😴
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