Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 11, 2018 (Tuesday)

Good morning!

I would like to greet my parents a very happy 36th wedding anniversary!👫💕🎊
Though I woke up a little late today, I still managed to talk to them this morning.

I had breakfast again with Oota san and Tokunaga san. We talked a lot, and we are happy that today Oota san will be discharged. 👍The breakfast for today is 100g rice, spinach and chicken sauté, nori, banana, apple juice, and tea. I ate it all. I even received the banana of Oota san and Tokunaga san. Then I took my medicine; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, and Plaquenil. Starting today, Cytomegalovirus antibiotic will be stopped! That's a good sign because the medicines are decreasing.🙆

After I took a bath, it was also the time when Oota san will go. It was when we are saying goodbyes when Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his rounds. I told him that I am feeling good and as of now the pain in my shoulders got better.💪 He said that starting tomorrow, we will try to stop taking the anti-edema medicine.😺 And since recently my blood pressure is high, he decided to put 24-hour blood pressure test on me. In this test, there will be an automatic blood pressure machine that will be attached to me, and it will measure my blood pressure in intervals of 30 minutes in for the day and 1 hour interval for the night.

I had lunch with Tokunaga san, she is 61 years old, so it is a little hard to have a topic, but she is very kind to open the conversation.😣 I am so happy about the lunch because it is meat and meat combination. 100g rice, sweet and sour meatballs, soy sauce flavor withed steamed chicken, green vegetables salad, and tea. I ate it all. It was delicious. I also ate the vanilla yogurt as a dessert.

I lent a magazine to Tokunaga san, and then also she lent me a magazine about hot springs. I am so excited to see it because it is about hot springs here in Kansai area. 

She also gave me sweets. This is a lemon glazed cake. So lucky! She said that this store is very popular.

The earphones that I ordered finally arrived, but I have to complain because it is not working properly. This was a product shipped from China. When I said that I want to have a refund, they said they will refund and I can keep the item as a gift. Lucky!😌😍

Nagatsuji Sensei came to attach the 24 hour blood pressure machine, so the test will start at 3:00 pm JST. Since he had time, I asked him if I could work after I got discharged. He asked me what kind of work, well basically it is desk work in the morning and in the afternoon it is playing with the children, and sending them home. He was surprised to know that I can drive and I have a driver’s license.😱 I said that I have to convert my international driver’s license to Japanese driver’s license soon. He said that I should avoid driving first, but I can eventually. And I should put on mask especially if I will be handling children because I am prone to small colds and can be infected easily. 

Then my nurse came in to check on me, she was surprised that something is attached to me, there was no written instruction about this test. 😹I said that it was Nagatsuji Sensei who did this.

Then I passed the time studying because Nagatsuji Sensei said that I should avoid moving while this machine is attached to me. 😶Then Yamazaki Sensei came in to see me. We talked a lot, and he even told me about the tax called “furusato nou zei”. It is about designating the taxes to be paid by a person. Then in return as gratitude, that country side will send something in return, like vegetables or a country side specialty. Wow! 😮And we both love sweets, he even joked that I should go out in secret and buy what he recommended in Mister Donuts. 🙉

I had dinner with Tokunaga san. The dinner for today is 100g rice, steamed Bok Choy, fish in mushroom sauce, potato salad, mango, 2 pieces of biscuits, and tea. It was delicious but I didn’t ate all the vegetables. Then took the usual medicines; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, and anti-cholesterol medicine.

10:00 pm JST, an error again appeared in the 24 hour blood pressure machine, and I am lucky because it was mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, who is on 24 hours duty. She is very kind to go up and see me.😣

I prayed and thank God for a good day.🙏

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:08 pm JST.  💤

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