Saturday, September 08, 2018

September 7, 2018 (Friday)

Good morning! 🌄 I overslept because of Ririka, it was past 7:00 am JST when I woke up. 💤My cheeks are not that swelling today👧. This is a good sign. I was wondering, my original weight is 54 kilos and when I weighed in this morning my weight was 52.3 kilos.

The breakfast for today is 100g rice, sautéed cabbage with shrimp, nori, banana, apple juice, and tea. I ate it all and felt like the serving was so little.😑 Still no change in dosage, I took my medicine; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaPlaquenil, Cytomegalovirus antibiotic, and the additional pill for anti-infection.

I learned today that there was a magnitude 6 earthquake in Hokkaido; 😱Nagatsuji Sensei went there for his summer vacation. I hope he is alright and safe.💦 All the power was cut there, and everything was paralyzed since the damage was so big. But thank God, it seems that today noon; major airlines will start to operate again. I hope he will not be stranded there.🙏

The lunch is 100g rice, sweet and sours fish, broccoli soup, green beans salad, and tea. The fish was delicious. When I am discharged, I will try to cook these.💞

I passed my time studying and I’m moving forward at a good pace.📖💻 The power of mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei is very strong. 👌I asked her to give me mint patches this morning, but she ordered it only this afternoon, and I got it by night. She ordered it in an urgent status.🚨

Today’s dinner is quite heavy.😋 100g rice, pork tonkatsu (but no tonkatsu sauce), tofu, Chinese cabbage salad, 5 pieces of medium grapes, energy jelly drink, and tea. Then I took my medicine; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, and anti-cholesterol medicine.

Thought the pain in my back is better than yesterday, I asked my nurse again for Ririka again so I can sleep well tonight. 😴Praying that tomorrow will be a good day.🙇😸

Then took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:00 pm JST.💤💤

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