Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 21, 2018 (Friday)

Good morning! I would like to greet my brother a Happy Birthday!👦🎈🎉

I woke up with stomach pain.😓 I had my blood and urine samples drawn for the regular laboratory checks. I still have LBM. I don’t know why but it was from yesterday.

I had my breakfast; I ate a piece of bread, sautéed vegetables, canned peaches, and yogurt. I know I have to eat and drink more because I am taking out much waste, so I tried hard eating even though my stomach hurts.😿 I took my normal medicines;  10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, the additional pill for anti-infection, and medicine for LBM. 

Nagatsuji Sensei came and said that there is no need for me to undergo the big intestine camera test. Whew!🙆 What a relief. Days ago, he explained the preparation for that procedure; I was thinking that it will be really bothersome to do that. 🙌Thank God I don’t have to do that. And then I have to sign the acknowledgement for the renal biopsy.✏ But he said that, if I still have LBM on Monday we will have to cancel the biopsy. If that happens the day of my discharge will be affected. 😱

I ate sweet and sour fish and rice for lunch. I didn’t eat the other side dishes.  I took the noon dosage of the medicine for LBM.

Every time I eat and drink, my stomach hurts. 😿And, it seems that every time I eat, it comes out. 😓The last LBM was after I ate lunch, and thank God that it stopped from there.😫

But still, because of my aching stomach, I only ate a little in the evening. I ate rice and pork tonkatsu. Then had my medicines; 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, and the medicine for LBM.

I am praying that this will stop,🙏 because it is really hard, and I am losing too much energy. My legs are still having muscle pain due to over exhaustion from the day I visited my house.

I took my sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:00 pm JST.😴

*sorry for this very late post. recently I am not feeling well.

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