Good morning 🌄and I am feeling excited because today I got the permission to go out and buy Mister Donut!🙆 🍩
I had my potassium limited breakfast which is full of vegetables. 100g rice broccoli soup, nori, Chinese cabbage salad, orange juice, and tea. It is somehow lonely without a fruit. Then I took my medicines 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, the additional pill for anti-infection, and medicine for LBM.
Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his rounds. We talked about the schedule for my discharge! 🎉Finally, after almost 4 months I am going to graduate!🎓🎆 He said that next week, September 18 or 20, I will be scheduled for a final CT scan, then I will have a renal biopsy again on September 25, then
🎊🎈🎇I will be discharged from the hospital on September 27, 2018!!! Congratulations!🎊🎈🎇
I said that I will go to Mister Donut now👍, and he said it is okay. He also said that it is okay to walk around and have a slight sunbath, but I should wear a mask. He also told me not to be lost, use the map he drew and bring a cell phone📱 with me just in case. I told him that I don’t have a cell phone number 😭 No contact, he is bullying me that I should have a cell phone, and I should wear a card📛 that in case I will be lost, the one who found me should take me to this hospital😂 I said I will not be lost because I know how to read and speak, he was laughing hard. What a bully!😡
I can’t remember if this is the one that Yamazaki Sensei recommended. I saw many chocolate donuts, and this is the newest one for Halloween.😋 I also bought this pon de ring with pudding inside! It looks so delicious.
It is my 1st time to have a picture outside the hospital. 😉I also went to the park near the hospital and watched the pre-school children have their mini Olympics.💭
I was back just in time for lunch. It was a coincidence that Nagatsuji Sensei was there at the nurse station and he was laughing because I was so happy that I was able to buy the donuts and I didn’t get lost.😡 He noticed that my skin turned red, 😱he was thinking that it is sun oversensitivity. SLE patients are sensitive to UV rays and tend to have skin rashes when exposed. Luckily it was not that hot when I went out. I also said that my joints are hurting,💦 he said that it is because the surface outside is rough unlike here in the hospital is carpeted and flat, and I haven’t used my muscles in quite some time so I should rest.
The lunch is somewhat special; this was served together with it. They said that today is the “ O Tsuki Mi” or moon viewing festival 🎑honoring the autumn moon. The lunch is 100g fried rice 😋, fried eggplant with sesame sauce, grilled saba fish, vegetable salad, canned orange, 1 pack of cookie, and tea. I took the noon dosage of the medicine for LBM.
When I was brushing my teeth, I noticed that there was blood coming out of my nose. 😳I was surprised, but luckily it was little and it stopped immediately. Also, my loose bowel movement is gone.
I ate this pon de ring with pudding inside! It was so delicious!😀 This is a new limited edition donut, I was so lucky! ✌Then I spent my time studying for the bookkeeping exams.
The dinner is 100g rice, ginger-flavored pork strips, steamed Bok Choy and shrimp, cabbage salad, grape flavored jelly, canned peaches, and tea. I just ate the meat, rice, and fruit. 😅Then I took the evening medicines; 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellcept, ferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, and the medicine for LBM.
The night came, I think I defecated again twice, and the second time is somewhat soft.😷 I thought this was cured already.💦 I wish this will not go worse, because tomorrow, I got the permission to visit my house, and meet Matsumoto san.
I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:15 pm JST.
I am praying that tomorrow will be a good day because I am so excited to go out!🙏
Good night everybody. Let’s rest after a long and tiring Friday.🙇
I'm happy for you. God is good all the time ������
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