Friday, September 14, 2018

September 12, 2018 (Wednesday)

Good morning. I haven’t slept well because of the 24-hour blood pressure machine😓. I woke up 4:00 am JST and 5:00 am JST, the result was an error. Today, I am feeling cold, or is it just the weather? I woke up with high blood pressure, 152/110.  

I am still having meals with Tokunaga san.👩 The breakfast for today is 100g rice, sautéed cabbage and minced pork, nori, canned peaches, and tea. I ate it all. Then I took my medicine, but without the anti-edema! 🙆Starting today it will be stopped. The new morning medicine is 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and the additional pill for anti-infection.

Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his rounds. I told him that Yamazaki Sensei told me to go out secretly to go and buy his recommended item in Mister Donut near the hospital.👍 He laughed and he said it is okay to go out and buy mister donut he even wrote a map.🙌 Then he also said, as a part of my “Training for discharge”, I can go out to go home and prepare it. 😊💓  So I contacted the president of our company to tell him that I can go home, and I was lucky because he has time on Saturday afternoon.😊

I studied until lunch time. The lunch is 100g rice, tofu chanfleure, steamed green vegetables, radish salad and tea. I almost ate all except the radish salad. At around 1:00 pm JST, I am starting to feel pain in my stomach. I am defecating, but it still hurts.💦

Yamazaki Sensei came in and told me about a YouTube channel that he discovered that can help us studying English.💻 It was then; Nagatsuji Sensei came in to take off the 24-hour blood pressure machine. I told Yamazaki Sensei, that because of him I got the permission to go out and buy Mister Donuts.  🍩

Nagatsuji Sensei came in to give the result of the 24-hour blood pressure test. Averaging it, I had high blood pressure in the last 24 hours. 😱So he gave me additional medicine for blood pressure to be taken in the evening. It will only be half a tablet, since taking a high dosage of anti-blood pressure will have many side effects such as dehydration and etc.

I am starting to have a loose bowel movement, that I got tired and took a nap. It was already 6:30 pm JST when I woke up and had dinner. 😰The dinner was 100g rice, beef and mushroom, cucumber and tuna salad, 2 slices of kiwi, high-calorie jelly, and tea. I am afraid that if I eat the raw fruit and salad it will worsen my stomach ache. Then took medicines; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, and the new half of a blood pressure medicine.

It was already 8:00 pm JST when I asked my nurse to give me Ririka because my stomach still hurts 😥and I am still defecating. I asked my nurse who is on a 24-hour shift doctor today; it was unlucky because the doctor is not from our ward.

I prayed that this will stop and not go worse.🙇🙏

I will be sleeping early today. Good night. 😴

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