Saturday, September 01, 2018

August 31, 2018 (Friday)

The time is very fast and it is the end of August. 💦Good morning! I am still getting my regular sleeping habits like before I was hospitalized. I am maintaining my original weight, no edema at mornings. This is really a good sign. ✌

I woke up at around 6:00 am JST, and I will be again using the perks of being alone in the room. I will be eating this butter cookies and chai milk tea as I talk to my parents. Got to keep them updated every day!👫

Breakfast for today is 100g rice, sautéed potato with a little bacon, cabbage salad, nori, orange juice and tea. Very little too invisible bacon was added to the potato because, in the kidney patients diet, the salt and protein is under watch. 👀I ate it all then took my medicines; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaPlaquenil, and Cytomegalovirus medicine, and the additional pill for anti-infection.😸

I got a very special permission from Nagatsuji Sensei to go out of the hospital for 30 minutes! 😇This is the 1st time I will be out of the hospital (as in literally out of the hospital perimeter). The reason may be funny, but, it is to buy melon bread at the specialty store across the hospital. 😳Yes, it is just across! I acted like a child and said that I want to eat that, and even though for 10 minutes I wanted to be out to buy, but he was so nice to permit me to go for 30 minutes.🙆But then again, he is strict, because he said to eat half of the melon bread today, then the half of it tomorrow.  🙅  

I had to fill up the form and went to the nurse station, and the nurses are congratulating me for this milestone! 🎊It was very funny but touching. I will go out after lunch. So I took my lunch, like in a hurry, as if time would also advance faster if I would. I ate 100g rice, grilled salted white fish, beans in sesame mayonnaise, 5 pieces of grapes and tea. There was also boiled winter melon, but I didn’t ate it, because I don’t like it (sorry).😔

Then since it was a 30 minute pass, I decided to go and look at the nearby drug store and bought this ice cream float.😋 Then, I bought the melon bread! I also had the chance to eat free samples of the toasted melon bread. It was very hot outside🌞 so the ice cream tasted very good!

I spent my afternoon watching a movie and studying.😄 I am feeling fine today,💪 no pain in the stomach. But a little discomfort because of my muscle pain, especially it is on my wrist.  

Since I ate the ice cream float, I decided to eat the melon bread tomorrow, or else I think I will be reprimanded by Nagatsuji Sensei because my blood sugar will rise.😟 But when he came to check on me, he saw the bread and still unconsumed. I said what happened and he was kind enough to let me eat he half of it today! 😝I think because I teased him a lot because he will be on vacation for a week.

The dinner for today is 100g rice, boiled pork strips, steamed Bok Choy and shrimp, Chinese cabbage salad, 2 slices of oranges, energy jellies, and tea.😬 I  ate the rice, boiled pork strips, and oranges. Then my medicines; 12.5mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirikaferrous sulfate, and anti-cholesterol medicine.

I am happy that mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, also came in.💖 She was very happy to know that I am feeling good today. So for the next week, mama doctor will take care of me, while brother doctor is not around.🙇

I did watch another movie before sleeping. I did pray and thank God for these good developments, I pray that this will continue so I can be discharged. 🙏

Good night for now.💤

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