Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 22, 2018 (Saturday)

Good rainy morning. I did have a good sleep! I had LBM too much that my body weight has decreased from 52 kilos down to 51 kilos.😅

Thank God I got my appetite back,💪 plus I like the tomato omelet served for breakfast.😋 I ate it with cauliflower soup, yogurt, and a piece of bread. Then I took my medicines;  10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, Plaquenil, and medicine for LBM. 

I am still having LBM, but thankfully it is not water like anymore, the waste is starting to have shape. I think it is a good sign.🙆

Today is Saturday so the doctors will be here half day only. Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his rounds. He is still saying that I got this LBM because I ate too much oily food.😹 But that was how many days ago?!💦  He said that I have to rest and he hopes that when he comes back on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday here), my LBM will be gone and that we can be able to perform the renal biopsy.😦

Not having a stomach ache, I ate well for lunch. It was rice, mabo tofu, stir-fried rice noodles, and canned oranges. Then, I took the noon dosage of the medicine for LBM.😄

I felt recharged, or I thought so, but I had LBM again, twice after lunch. When will this be healed?😳

For a change of environment, I went to the garden to have some fresh air and to exercise my aching legs. 😇Luckily the weather improved, it was not that hot and the rain had stopped.

It was grilled salmon for dinner! Lucky! This is one of my favorites.😋 Then I ate rice and the canned peaches, and cookies. Then my medicines; 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, and the medicine for LBM.

I am praying that I will not have LBM anymore and that everything will be according to the planned schedule and hopefully I will be discharged soon.🙏

Since there was nothing to do I watched a movie 💻and I slept in early. I took my sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 9:00 pm JST.💤

Good night for now.

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