Friday, September 14, 2018

September 13, 2018 (Thursday)

I feel like I’m floating. I slept for almost 10 hours. 😶When I woke up I am feeling better, I cannot feel pain in my stomach, only on my back. I had the routine blood and urine test. I also had my monthly shot for the long-term bone protection.💉

I had my breakfast with Tokunaga san, this is our last meal together because she will be discharged today. After the tiring bowel movements yesterday, I am lucky to have scrambled eggs for breakfast, 😋plus 100g rice, nori, broccoli salad, and apple juice. I ate very slowly and Tokunaga san was very concerned and asking if I am okay and she even put my tray away for me.💓 

Starting today, the dosage of Predonine will be decreased from 25mg  to 20mg per day. 🙆So it will be 10mg in the morning and 10mg at night. So the new batch of morning medicine is; 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a  blood pressure medicine, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, and Plaquenil. After that, I am still feeling the side effect of Ririka, so I asked my nurse to give me the common painkiller.😷

I received a permission to go out and visit my house on Saturday, right?! But when Nagatsuji Sensei came in to hand the results of the blood test, he said my white blood cell count is getting low, and due to that, I am more prone to infection. WHAT!?😱 And since I made a promise to the president, Nagatsuji Sensei was very kind and suggested to conduct another blood test on Saturday morning to check the white blood cell count.😻 So it will depend on the result if I can visit home or not. 😰 And since yesterday I had a loose bowel movement (LBM), he prescribed a medicine for that. It will be taken for 3 times a day for 5 days.💊My potassium level too is high, so he recommended for me to have another food menu, but still within the kidney patient’s menu.  🍱

I had my lunch; 100g rice, steamed chicken with cheese, steamed squash, Chinese cabbage salad, melon, and tea. It was sad to eat alone. 😿I took the noon dosage of the medicine for LBM.
I am alone in a 4 person room again, and maybe until next week. 😓😭But, I can concentrate on studying! I am quite advancing at a good pace. But I have to study hard because the bookkeeping exam is just around the corner, and having realized it, it's on the 18th of November. 😱🙀😱 

As I thought, everything was going smoothly, my stomach hurts💦. At around 3:00 pm JST I asked my nurse for Ririka.

When Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his afternoon rounds, he asked me if I did go out to buy Mister Donuts.🍩 I said my stomach hurt and maybe if the weather is good, I will be going tomorrow.😂

The dinner is 100g rice, steamed red fish in radish sauce, steamed eggplant, green vegetable and tofu salad, canned oranges, and tea. So this is the kidney patient’s menu with potassium restriction. I thought fruits will not be given, but there were still canned oranges. Maybe only fruits with high potassium contents will not be given, like banana, melon, and grapes. 😌🍌🍈🍇Then I took the evening medicines; 10mg of Predonine, 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellceptferrous sulfate, anti-cholesterol medicine, half of a blood pressure medicine, and the medicine for LBM.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:05 pm JST.

I pray that this pain will not continue anymore, at least I want to go and visit my house.🙇

Good night for now. 

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