Monday, July 02, 2018

July 1, 2018 (Sunday)

So I took sleeping pill #3 around 1:00 am JST and slept until 5:00 am JST. 6 ½ hours sleep is a luxury!

Morning, a hot day of 32 degrees Celsius. The view from my window!

Today is the discharge of Mrs. Morimoto, so helped her packed her things and readied her clothes. She said she is very sad that we will part today, but she will be waiting for me at her house. I promised her that I will go and visit her once I got out. She gave these in return.

For breakfast, I had 100g, sautéed string beans and minced pork, nori, apple juice, canned apples and tea. I ate it all and the juice is for later.

Today is Sunday, my doctors are on their offs. Another doctor cleaned my neck for me just in time before I took my bath at 9:00 am JST. Medicine time:  I took 3 capsules of Cellcept, Furosemide 20mg, and antibacterial medicine. Shots: Steroid Pulse 20mg, medicine for the intestines. This routine is good. Bath first then medicine, let’s keep this.

I think soaking in hot baths every day helps my internal hemorrhages to fade.

Today is Sunday; therefore, there is no laboratory test or anything. So, after my bath, I tossed my laundry. It will take about 2 hours for it to be fully dried. Laundry for 5 days: 400 yen. If it will be more than five days, my pajamas and jacket will not be completely dried I have to dry it twice it will cause another 200 yen, so let’s just keep it laundry for 5 days.

Lunch for today: Egg with leek, steamed potatoes and carrots, 100g rice, radish and tuna salad, and tea. Mrs. Higuchi’s food volume is always greater than mine.  

2:00 pm JST rounds for Steroid Pulse 20mg and Furosemide 20mg. The only male nurse was my nurse for today, he was worried because it seems like I’m not feeling well, my mind is floating I can’t seem to breathe and it’s like the gravity is pulling me so hard. I’m like a net; every time I eat or drink it comes out. But I like to eat and drink. But still, the nurses tell me it’s ok because my body weight is still the same. I’m just in a bed arrest state; I can’t go to my office ahahha canteen. It’s a good thing I already got my clothes washed. I’m going to fold them now.

I haven’t realized that I had received so many papers, like laboratory/treatment procedures explanation sheet, laboratory results, and the others.

Time for snacks, while talking with my talkative ward mate Mrs. Takabayashi. This is an energy enriched jelly snack fruits flavor. The one from Mrs. Morimoto.

For dinner, its 100g rice, string beans with tofu soy sauce flavor, steamed fish, cucumber salad, melon, 2 pcs biscuit and tea. It seems that this is a full course, so many! (ang dami!) but I ate it all. The night is still young and there are many things to do! By the way, this melon is expensive here, Lucky! As the usual medicine, 3 capsules of Cellcept.

See! Again, I got hungry, I will be eating this castella cake given to me by Mrs. Morimoto. For those who are wondering, why am I always hungry, it's because of the steroids, it’s the side effect.

I got my IV taken out because it hurt and its almost 5 days. IV like this here is only good for 1 week, or until the vein burst, whichever comes first. But in this case, the vein burst first so, bye bye IV! Tomorrow I can have the hot bath freely! YEY! But due to the blood transfusion, when my IV got taken, the blood came out like in the anime, it spurted. When you have blood transfusion, the blood will be thin in consistency (in Filipino, Malabnaw).

Let’s pray in peace.

9:38 pm JST took sleeping pills 1 & 2. Let’s go!

PS: I am writing this blog July 2, 2018, evening,  I am scheduled for blood transfusion, tomorrow, July 3 at 10:00 am JST, after that I don’t know how long will be the kick back, I might not have the chance to update the blog. Sorry friends.

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