Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 16, 2018 (Monday)

Good morning my face! Sorry for the picture. But my face got big. I woke up early in the morning, but I did have 5 ½ hours of sleep without using sleeping pill #3. 55.1 kilos, as you can see edema is occurring, and slightly high blood pressure 148/98 upon waking up.

So while talking to my parents over a video call, I am eating this salted caramel donut (bought from the 1st-floor café) and cocoa drink, of course on the record. I have to say to my nurse all my intakes.

My bruises are finally healing. It is finally fading.

Breakfast for today: 100g rice, vegetables and ham in tomato sauce, nori, orange, orange juice and tea. I ate it all. And still wanting for more ham! Morning medicine: 3 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 30mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicine, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, anti-edema, and today is Monday so additional medicine for the protection of the bones. Because of this, I am starting to feel some reaction from my stomach. Maybe I am taking too much medicine that my stomach starts to feel a burning sensation.

I took my bath already. They said that today it is the Marine day, (Umi no hi 海の日) so it is a holiday but the doctors will be here for their rounds, so I was happy to see Nagatsuji Sensei so I can complain all my hurting. Well, all he could say is it is because of the SLE, my sickness. But in case if my stomach still has burning sensation we might undergo some laboratory tests. Since I tried my best to have a cell phone number but did not succeed, I said to Nagatsuji Sensei, that since it is his day off, maybe we could go together to the nearest shop from the hospital. (Hokage moves). He laughed, and I didn’t succeed, he was so professional, and I cannot go outside the hospital and its final. Huhuhu not a chance!

Lunch for today is my favorite grilled white fish flavored with butter and soy sauce! Plus 100g rice, steamed Bok choy and veggies, sweet potato salad and tea. I ate it all, except some leftover of the vegetables. My nurse is a veteran so she gave me my medicines after lunch: anti-edema & Prednisone 10mg. I like her she is so systematic and does consider the time.

For my snack is this banana pound cake! My sugar was only 150, so yes sweets! 

So today is like Sunday, many people visit their admitted loved ones. The grandchildren of Mrs. Higuchi was here, they are all so cute, the eldest is 5 years old, she is so cute and started to be friends with me because I always give her treats! (Suhol). It seems that Mrs. Higuchi is very happy to see them often at her most down times. 

So today I just made the requested video transcription. My good friend and mentor gave me some Japanese translation and transcription jobs. I am happy because she trusts my abilities. And also, this is to keep me away from thinking about the pain I am undergoing to. In Japanese ki wo magirawasu (きをまぎらわす), to distract yourself. Thank you sen. To all: open po ako! Ahahaha!

For dinner:  it is 100g rice, nori flavored fried chicken, steamed winter melon, broccoli and sesame seed salad, 3 slices of apples, jelly juice, and tea. I ate the rice and chicken and some broccoli. But I have to stand as I eat super slowly. My stomach hurts as I eat. Later I will eat the apples. I took the usual medicine of 3 capsules of Prograf3 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k.

Continued to work and it excites me. Though some characters in the video speak really fast, I found this really fun! This is fun! I tend to learn some new words after researching the needed Kanji characters to use.

I prayed and took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at around 11:15 pm JST.

Good night friends. Hoping for us all to have a good night sleep.

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