Friday, July 06, 2018

May 29 to June 6, 2018 Transfer to a specialty hospital

The doctors in this hospital wherein I was diagnosed with E-coli / 0157 said that I have another sickness in the kidneys so they have to let me transfer in a bigger and better facility where it specializes with kidney diseases. So at around 10:00 am JST, an ambulance brought me to the new hospital. I, and my sister, and my Japanese friend went together with the head nurse. The head nurse will explain and give the referral letter to the new hospital and my Japanese friend was the one who made the hospitalization admittance procedures for me.

I was taken to the Infectious disease internal medicine (感染症内科) under Asaoka Sensei. I was still admitted to a private room. I may have still E-coli / 0157 that’s why. They took pictures because there were red spots on my body. He said if I know HIV, and I said I don’t have it. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) needs to have a medical certificate to be able to go out of the country. So it is out of the question, I let him saw my medical certificate.

So they perform various test to see what it really is. Day’s passes, fever blisters are flaring out to the point I am crying while eating. It seems that the gargle medicine I received from the previous hospital is not well enough. In this current hospital, I’m just taking medicine for the loose bowel movement and fever.

Until I was referred to Kidney & Hypertension Department (腎臓高血圧) under Nagatsuji Sensei. He said that I need to take albumin IV because my nourishment is falling and that I have to have a renal biopsy to be diagnosed what the disease really is. So I signed the necessary forms and I am scheduled for a renal biopsy June 4, 2018.

When I recovered from the renal biopsy, I am transferred to the Kidney & Hypertension Department (腎臓高血圧) ward.

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