Friday, July 20, 2018

July 19, 2018 (Thursday)

Good morning! Getting good normal sleep. But still waking up early, and when I woke up my blood pressure was 135/111. Oh well! I guess this will be my normal for the time being. But I can’t feel any pain, so it is fine. I’m back to my normal weight.

I talk to my parents as I ate breakfast #1 hot tea and the biscuit that I bought yesterday.

Since Monday was a holiday here, the regular laboratory test was moved to Friday. Regular tests are on Mondays and Thursdays.

Hospital breakfast was a nostalgic scrambled egg, 100g rice, nori, broccoli and carrot salad and apple juice. I miss ketchup, but it was not served. I ate it all. During the morning, it seems that there is no problem with my stomach. I can eat well. Then it goes, the candy buffet: 3 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 17.5mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicine, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema. As you can see the dosage of Prednisone 30mg, was reduced. From today, the total dosage per day will be from 40mg down to 35mg so it will be half in the morning and a half in the evening.

Yes, still my muscles hurt. And I got my mint patches! I put it on, so today’s perfume is mint flavor. Today, my arm muscles hurt. I thought it was just the arms, but when Nagatsuji Sensei had his rounds and examine me, my chest muscles also hurts. I did even realize that it was affected. My feet are getting better but still aches. But anyway, I don’t want to take painkillers.

Then Papa doctor came for me today too. Konishi Sensei, he was so comic, he examined my leg muscles, I don’t know if I will laugh or cry because when he press my legs, it really hurts but he was making faces. Well, he said that I should move it, and be careful not to let my stamina fall because of the long hospitalization.

Today’s lunch is 100g rice, fried chicken with cheese and ketchup!! (yehey!), steamed squash, cabbage salad, 2 slices of oranges, and tea. I thought I was doing great eating but as the food increase in my stomach it hurts, I have to stand again. I just ate the chicken, half of the rice, 1 squash and I will eat the oranges later. I took my afternoon medicine, anti-edema only.

I took my break and went to the family mart! It is summer so let’s eat ice cream. It is my first time to eat mint and choco flavor, it was delicious! I planned to eat in the garden, but I cannot tolerate the temperature outside, it was really hot, I was lucky to found a vacant seat in the family mart.

And to my surprise, the mother of my boss came to visit me today! OMG! I was so shocked! She even brought me these fruits. Watermelon, banana, and melon. She is so kind, I am glad that she saw me today with no IV or anything, just the mint patches. I can see her happy because she can see me doing fine. But then, Nagatsuji Sensei came, I said that she is Matsumoto san’s mother, and they greeted each other. He was so kind to say to me to call after Mrs. Matsumoto leave. He was holding a lab test result. I think he has some news.

As I thought, I was right to talk to Nagatsuji Sensei after Mrs. Matsumoto leave because it was a bad news. Since the  Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん) was over, they are monitoring the virus that might attack me, and yes it did, it was called Cytomegalovirus. Maybe this is the reason why my stomach always hurt as I eat. He also said that I am prone to this because I am also taking anti suppressant medicines. I have to take medicines via IV again, the earlier the better and he decided that it will start tonight! So fast! He said I will have it 2 times a day, morning and evening for 2 weeks. Nagatsuji Sensei said also that he pities my arms, at the healing phase of my bruises I have to do IVs again, and he is concerned because it is difficult to get a usable vein. He doesn’t want to add more medicine for that.

Dinner for tonight: 100g rice, steamed red fish with radish sauce, steamed sweet potatoes, Chinese cabbage and egg salad, 3 slices of apples, and senbei.  I just ate the fish and the rice. Really when it becomes night maybe the effect of the medicines are wearing out, and it is starting to hurt, I have to stand while eating again. It was a good thing that I ate alone, because the woman I met yesterday did have her surgery today, and the grandfather from earlier got dismissed. I took my medicines:  3 capsules of Prograf3 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k. And the new time adjusted the lower dosage of Prednisone 17.5mg. So we will be hoping for better results with this new timing of drugs.

While taking the 100ml IV for Cytomegalovirus, I am looking at this from my window! The IV will take about 1 hour. It finished at 10:21 pm JST. It was delayed because my nurse had a hard time to find the vein to be used. 

I prayed silently.

I took the sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 12:21 am JST.

Good night for now.

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