Wednesday, July 04, 2018

May 22, 2018 (Tuesday) It all began here!

Tomorrow will be another great day!

As I said in my previous post. Indeed! It was!

Today I started the office works. I missed using the computer, I  missed using the excel! 

The day started with different explanations from my boss, and I got the chance to meet my other office working Japanese colleagues, and they are all receiving me with warm regards.

My Indian colleague is so kind enough to explain how to work with the predetermined format. We talked in Japanese. Sometimes I find it amusing to see foreigners in Japan speaking to each other in Japanese, like ourselves right now. Ahahaha! We tried our best but sometimes give up and talk in English.

In the afternoon, we fetch the children from their schools, some we fetch from their homes because their schools were near their homes. We went back to the daycare and spend the rest of the day there. By the way, in the daycare, there are a lot of things to do. There are 2 electronic drum sets (because my boss wanted to be a rock star, that he started his rock band in his younger years, he was so interesting), video playing materials, games, lot of games, Nintendo DS, PS4, (you know Japan!), learning materials (including English and other languages), building games name it and we have it! The fun never stops! Snacks and loads of snacks!

Another day spent with my colleagues and with the children.

As the routine: Cooked and ate dinner while talking to my family. I took a relaxing hot bath. I prayed and went to sleep.

As I thought! around 11:00 pm JST, it seems that I can’t get to stop using the toilet. I have loose bowel movement and I vomit. Sometimes, I vomit while I poop. It’s getting worst through the night. I thought I can take it by rest, but it never stopped. I couldn’t sleep. I have no energy left anymore. 

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