Sunday, July 01, 2018

June 30, 2018 (Saturday)

Bleh! I haven’t slept well. I have to go to the toilet at around 3:00 am JST and then took my 2nd sleeping pills. Woke up at 4:30 am JST took my 3rd and last pill, slept until 6:00 am JST. My face got bigger. I have Edema, I guess water is accumulating in my body again. (Filipino, manas)

By the way, this is my place! Nice. This is a 4 pax ward, I got mine near the window, it’s bigger than the ones near the door. LUCKY!

Breakfast for today, 2 pieces bread, tomato omelet, steamed cauliflower and carrots, marmalade and margarine, orange juice, and tea.  I think I will have the juice and the other bread for later. Mrs. Higuchi was not feeling well today, but she still ate with me. She a sudden treatment yesterday and still feeling the kick back of it.

Medicine time:  I took 3 capsules of Cellcept, Furosemide 20mg, and anti bacterial medicine. Today is Saturday, so there is no additional medicine.
9:30 am JST, I got my shots Steriod Pulse 20mg, medicine for the intestines. Nagatsuji Sensei, cleaned my neck for me, he is getting better with the gauze. He still has colds due to the weather yesterday. Then, Yamaguchi Sensei came she is so cute today with her black eyeglasses on.
I have to lay back and take a while, Pulse just kicked me. But I have to take a bath at 11:00 am JST. I forgot to change it to 9:00 am JST. Argh!

I’m so blessed today that I got a gift from Mrs. Higuchi. Her sister visited her yesterday, and had her sister bought her gift for me. This is Japanese inspirational quotations compilation with cute drawings. I’m so happy.

Lunch time: Mapo tofu, rice noodles, 100g rice, macaroni salad, and water melon. It was a great meal with Mrs. Higuchi, she is teaching me how to cook Japanese food.

My nurse told me that I have a package delivered. It’s the WIFI, rented for 1 month. But I have to go to the Guard’s office in the 1st floor to get it.

2:00 pm JST rounds for Steroid Pulse 20mg and Furosemide 20mg. Since my sugar was fine, 144, I took the liberty and went to the Family mart to buy dessert. Its sweet glutinous rice over red bean paste with whipped cream. Japanese desserts are delicious! I went to garden #2. Like a monster, I ate this within 2 minutes. I talked to my parents via messenger, but it suddenly got cloudy so I have to go back to my room.

I went to my office, Joke! It’s just the canteen. To do work over my laptop. And there was this patient; he is a male 84 years old. He was taking his walk because he has problems with his urine excretion; it seems he can’t excrete urine if he doesn’t walk. He saw me studying the Essential Japanese Labor Laws, and he got so excited because he just remembered his days as a salary man for a chemical company. He asked me questions and I passed it all. We clicked together because he has sense of humor. He wanted to talk more but, he said he was taking my time. He was so nice.

Dinner: today is little too much for me. I didn’t eat the vegetables, the taro (the one that looked like a ball). But I was lucky enough that it was Salmon, because it is my favorite. 100g rice, spinach salad apples and tea.

But we got the good news that tomorrow, Mrs. Morimoto can be discharged! So she ate her dinner with us at the canteen. We are so happy to hear the news. After dinner, I and Mrs. Morimoto had a talked; she said she will be missing me. Awwww… so sweet. I can see my late grandmother to her, very same the looks the age, NANAY, grandmother, thank you for being with me, in the presence of others, I miss you. Now I think that the other grandfather this afternoon was my lolo, because they tend to ask me shotgun questions while I was young, DADDY, salamat po, you are always by my side.

And suddenly again, at the stroke of God’s hands, I got a message from a very long time high school friend. Though we lost contact for a long time, she is very concerned about me. And we catch up, and the great thing was we helped each other by exchanging info! I was so happy to have a conversation with her. Indeed a true friend. I love you. The Power of God, Amen!

Today is a really blessed day let’s thank the Lord in my prayer’s time.

I took my sleeping pills 1&2 at 22:28 pm JST. Hope to sleep well.

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