Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July 15, 2018 (Sunday)

Once again I slept 6 hours and I didn’t have to take sleeping pills #3 again. Good hot morning everybody! It is summer here early in the morning it is 30 degrees Celsius. My weight is 55.2 kilos, slightly having edema today. And my blood pressure is 148/109. It is quite high compared to the normal blood pressure of 120/80 for female 30-34 years old. I think that the medicine effect really wore off.

I already attended the Holy Mass via SNS, Quaipo Church’s live Mass. God Bless us.

It is too early for the hospital tea to be prepared. It is prepared at 7:00 am JST. It is a good thing that I have hot cocoa here.

My roommate, even though it is Sunday, she also wakes up early. Guess she also works in an office. So I gave her some hard milk cake that I bought yesterday, and in return, she gave me this cookie.
Breakfast for today:  100g rice, sautéed string beans, carrots & minced pork, nori, canned peaches, apple juice and tea. I ate it all, and I think I want more. It seems that in the morning my appetite is really good. Plus don’t forget the candy buffet:  3 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 30mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicine, intestinal medicine, Slow-k,  and anti-edema

I took my bath, no need to use a hairdryer because my hair will dry naturally. Today is the doctor’s rest day so Nagatsuji Sensei will not come.

It’s good that thing that I did my laundry yesterday, because I guess I will be busy today because these are delivered.

This is a laptop rack that I can use on top of my bed! And a SIM card entry package. I thought with this package I can have my own cell phone number but, I was not still able to obtain one. This was my last resort with packages. Good thing that it is easy to return online bought things here. No money wasted.

Lunch for today: 100g rice, boiled carrots & potatoes, egg with leek (tamagoyaki), Chinese cabbage with chicken salad, and tea. I ate it all, and I think I want more. Though there were only 2 slices of tamagoyaki, it was really great!

After the 2pm rounds and after taking anti-edema & Prednisone 10mg. My sugar was only 134, so I have the passes to eat sweets! I decided to send back the entry package to Amazon. So I went to the family mart and shipped it there. No fee of course! The returns here are all paid in by the company. It was funny because I have to return the 500 yen item for the shipping of 947 yen to Tokyo. They even paid for the shipping so I can receive it. So a total of 2 shipping fees paid in by the company for a no good item.

Then, when I was in the store, I happened to see my previous doctor, when I was on the 10th floor, Infectious disease internal medicine (感染症内科). I greeted him and said my concern about the pictures that I asked Asaoka Sensei. Maybe, he can give it to me since he was the one who took the pictures of my legs at that time. But he said it is better to ask Asaoka Sensei instead. But I already wrote a letter to Asaoka Sensei and he is so very busy. At that time, another lady doctor from our ward was there at the store also, she was surprised that I happened to know him; we said that we met before I was transferred to the 14th floor, Kidney & Hypertension Department (腎臓高血圧). She was surprised because I know many doctors. (Filipinos are very friendly of course!) 

It was so hot that I sweated even if I am inside the hospital. I also went to the café at the 1st floor and bought goods. Today I will eat this honey waffles while shopping online. I am shopping for the items that I will send as gifts to my sister in Bahrain, It is her birthday the day after tomorrow! Happy birthday! But it seems that it will take some time for the items to be delivered. But anyway, she likes those stuff, so willing to wait.
Today’s dinner is a lucky set! The expensive melon is served! 100g rice, grilled salmon flavored with soy sauce and miso, sautéed string beans and tofu, cucumber salad, melon, 2 pieces of protein biscuits and tea. I only ate the fish, rice, and melon because my stomach hurts as I eat, I have to stand up. I feel that my stomach is bloated that’s why it hurts. I took the usual medicine of 3 capsules of Prograf3 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k .

As the night falls my blood pressure gets high, 143/100. Why does when my doctor is not here weird things happen. But I talked to my family so the pain was diverted. I love you all.

I said my prayers and took my sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 12:00 am JST. I hope that I will continue to have 6 hours of sleep.

Good night friends.

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