Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 24, 2018 (Tuesday)

Good morning! I woke up 5:37 am JST, it seems that I am getting used to waking up at this time. Back to my original weight 54.30 kilos, still having high blood pressure 136/96, and having slight edema.

Since I was complaining of my stomach ache, today I will be waiting for Nagatsuji Sensei to come for a consultation and after that, I can know if I can eat or not. He came in very early today unlike the usual. I haven't even taken my bath yet. He said that he was very worried about me (awwww... true to his promise that, he will come in early😌). As per the CT scan results, there were signs of swollen intestines. He said, that he will change my diet to noodles and something with soup, like a soft diet, but he is still considering it because soups contain more salt and it is bad for the kidneys. Today, if I can eat, then I should eat, but I still should not force myself. I want to eat but still, it will hurt me. He also said that he will be giving me energy dextrose just in case I will not be eating.  This is to ensure I still have enough nutrition. So I have my IV for the Cytomegalovirus and the nutrition dextrose. He also said that since the Cytomegalovirus is having a weak count as per the blood test, from today the IV for the Cytomegalovirus will be reduced from 2 times a day to 1 time only. Yes! good sign! 😉

I endured the pain and took a bath. Even though I didn’t eat my breakfast, I still have to drink my medicines, 2 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 17.5mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema.

About lunchtime, I started to feel some pain in my stomach it really hurts that it was spread to my shoulders to my back until the lower back. It hurts so much that even though I eat, drink or urinate, the pain is real! I don’t know what to do, I asked my nurse for painkillers, not the plain painkiller but the one that is stronger. (yun kaya kang ipaglaban😆).  We waited for the pain reliever to take effect since it was oral medicine, it would take 30 minutes. Even Asai Sensei came in to see me, (He is not in charge of me. He is a doctor here in our ward whom I am talking to in English because he learns English by himself and he wants to practice). He said he saw my CT scan results, he would advise Nagatsuji Sensei to give me Steroid Pulse 500g via IV  to help me ease the pain. 

But I vomited, it was really painful. I vomited some yellowish substance, I cannot take out anymore because I haven’t eaten since morning, so there was nothing to take out. And when I can feel that I will be vomiting the pain is really there, so I tried my best not to because I am afraid of the pain. As minutes passed by, it seems that the painkillers earlier were not affecting. The pain is growing, to the point that I am crying. They cannot even touch me, because it really hurts. I am starting to have a heavy breath; I have to catch my breath. 

Nagatsuji Sensei came, and he ordered more painkillers, intestinal medicines, and Prednisone 20mg via IV. With these, it will be easier for the other drugs to take effect. The X-ray machine came in, they want to see if my intestines or stomach erupted. But luckily there was none. But, the CT scan and the X-ray machine showed that my intestines are swollen. This is the reason that I am feeling this pain.

At about 6:00 pm JST, I don’t know what to do, to the point that I cried until Nagatsuji Sensei ordered to give me painkillers that can make me sleep. So at least I can’t feel the pain and I slept. At around 9:00 pm JST, my nurse woke me up to take my medicines, I can still the pain and my head is fluffy that I just followed instructions and back to sleep like a log. I can still feel the pain as I turn while I sleep. My nurse gave me a hot pack to ease the pain in my stomach. It helped a little. I was able to sleep.

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