Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 8, 2018 (Sunday)

Good morning! It a Blessed Sunday! I already attended the mass via SNS.

Though I woke up 1:25 am JST to take sleeping pill #3 while eating these chocolate protein bars. I still managed to sleep 6 hours in total.

Also, the typhoon is going away. It will be a sunny day.

For breakfast, they served tsukune (like a chicken nugget but with sauce inside)! I'm surprised! 100g rice, nori, broccoli and carrot salad, orange juice and tea. Same morning medicines: 3 capsules of Cellcept, Furosemide 20mg, and cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, blood pressure medicine and intestinal medicine.

I’m feeling nice and took my bath at the same time. My bruises are starting to fade! Good sign! After my bath, I tossed my laundry in, but I have to wash the towels so I  tried to dry it 2 times, so that it will dry. I am starting to have UTI. I urinate frequently and it hurts. Frequent as in 15-30 minutes interval. Nagatsuji Sensei came for his rounds and cleaned my neck. He said he was sorry to hear about the UTI and I feel pain during his day off. He was so kind. He prescribed antibiotics.  My nurse gave me my shots of a lowered dose of Prednisone Pulse 30mg.

My IV at the back of my left hand was taken out because it started to hurt. It was only used for a day. Like the one I had yesterday, I was not that strong. I am problematic for tomorrow because there is no vein that can be a candidate for tomorrow's IV.

Once again I have been touched by an angel. The mom of my boss and my Japanese colleague visited me. I was really surprised! They brought me a very touching talk. The mom of my boss is so concerned to me that she wanted me to live with her, in Kyoto. It is like to the point that she wants to adopt me, she said she cannot leave me alone knowing my situation. An angel on earth, right! I am a truly blessed. And she said that she wanted me to think about it, what my life would be after this hospitalization. And also they said that don’t bother to ask their help to the point that they opened their private lines for me so I can contact them anytime. They seem to see I’m in pain so they left early.

For lunch: 100g rice, fried white fish, steamed Bok choy, Chinese cabbage and carrot salad, and 2 slices of oranges. I also only ate half of the steamed Bok choy.  I did have tea because I don’t want to go to the toilet often because it starts to hurt. I ate in my room. 2:00 pm JST rounds for Prednisone Pulse 20mg  and Furosemide 20mg and my sugar is 130. I have to have a new IV.

I am happy while I was arranging my closet, I can finally move my hand freely though it has a big mark.

The nurses are concerned about my state, that they arranged a consultation with a doctor here in the ward. It was not Nagatsuji Sensei because he is on his day off. It was a different doctor, but he was a Kadosawa Sensei, whom I greet always. He was also the one who did my Renal Biopsy. He said that it is Sunday and evening already so there will be no way to have laboratory exams. If it is really UTI then I have to drink water and urinate, that is the best way to help it cure it.

Dinner: 100g rice, Miso flavored pork strips, steamed potato, spinach and sesame seed salad, 3 slices of apples, 2 pieces of protein biscuits and tea. Medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and as the usual 3 capsules of Cellcept and Slow-k for potassium. I have to take Slow-k today too.

Frequent urinating and hurting is still occurring. But the love I receive it still overflowing. Out of nowhere, I got a friend request from a high school best friend. She said she had read my blog and we are so excited that we have to video call even though for a few minutes. I am so happy!

Praying that this pain would end soon and will not affect the Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん).

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:26 pm JST. I hope I can sleep.

Good night everybody! Have a blessed day too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, God sends angels to us in many forms. Blessed indeed that you recognized one. Thank God, my dear!
