Sunday, July 22, 2018

(late upload) June 7 – June 19, 2018 Kidney & Hypertension Department (腎臓高血圧) ward

June 7, 2018, I recovered from the renal biopsy, I am transferred to the Kidney & Hypertension Department (腎臓高血圧) ward. So the 14th floor will be my new home for 2 months.

I will be under the care of my family of Doctors. I have 4 doctors in the team. Konishi Sensei (小西先生, Papa Doctor) He is the managers of all the doctors here in the ward. Kitabayashi Sensei(北林先生, Mama Doctor), Nagatsuji Sensei (長辻先生, Brother Doctor), and Yamaguchi Sensei (山口先生, Sister Doctor). But the lead attending doctor will be Nagatsuji Sensei (長辻先生, Brother Doctor). They said that this will take 2 months for the observation and medical treatments. We will be following the Japanese Handbook for Treating Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

So what is SLE? reference: (

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or simply lupus) is a disease characterized by inflammation of the joints, skin, and internal organs. Symptoms may include:
  • A butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks and bridge of the nose 
  • Sensitivity to sunlight 
  • Mouth ulcers 
  • Hair loss
  • Fluid around the heart and/or lungs 
  • Kidney problems 
  • Anemia or other blood cell problems 
  • Problems with memory and concentration or other nervous system disorders. 

As explained to me, SLE is a type of Collagen Disease. It is an Autoimmune Disease that attacks the connective tissues and the cause is not known. Where and when will it attack is unknown. It is believed to be triggered by something in the environment of people who may be genetically susceptible. That is why it is considered to be a very difficult disease here in Japan.

The renal biopsy result was very detailed explained to me by Nagatsuji Sensei. I was able to see samples taken from me. He even said I can take a picture of it, but unfortunately, my cell phone has no battery left. He explained everything in detail, how did they concluded everything, what part of the kidney has gone bad, even the affected other parts like the lungs and intestines. The explanation was very good. If he used a technical term, he tried to explain it in simple Japanese. Well luckily I understood it, he was so kind and patient for a very detailed explanation. It all sank in. Luckily I had time to research and he asked me if I have questions. I did! He answered it very politely.

So we started with the oral medicines which were composed of Prednisone 50mg (steroids), antibacterial medicine, intestinal medicine, and anti-edema. These medicines were issued to me for a week's period, then I have to drink it by myself, then the nurse will take the medicine wrapper and check if I did take the right ones. It was no quite difficult to take these because it will be taken in a similar manner. Until the additional Monday, Wednesday, Friday medicine for the care of the bones came, and another medicine for bone rehabilitation to be taken every Monday only. It was my first week to take these additional medicines until all of a sudden…

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