Thursday, July 19, 2018

July 18, 2018 (Wednesday)

Good morning! A luxury of 7 hours of sleep! I’m feeling good. No edema, back to the normal weight of 54.2 kilos. But with slightly high blood pressure, 147/101. Quite high for a newly waken person.

5:30 am JST, breakfast #1 is hit tea and 2 pieces milk donuts. It is early and I am hungry.
It is a good thing that The Philippines is just 1 hour late for the time difference. I can call my parents even early in the morning. After talking to them (same time almost every day), after the nurse’s rounds, I made preparations for breakfast. Today’s breakfast: 100g rice, sautéed cabbage and minced pork, canned peaches, orange juice and tea. I ate it all though I ate donuts. It seems I am fine for now. Then took my medicines:  3 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 30mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema. Starting today, the other blood pressure medicine, from half a tablet became 1 tablet per day. And it is Wednesday so another medicine for the protection of the bones. It is a good thing that the nurses are the one giving me these, it is too many and it varies from day to day. (I have to take a picture of these so I can write it here.)

When I came back from breakfast, my roommate and became my friend Mrs. Shiomi,71 years old, gave me this strawberry yogurt. She will be released today. She also gave me a box of tissue. She lives in Narra Prefecture, quite far from here. I will be visiting her soon.

I took a bath. Feeling fresh, but still having a hard time to walk, joints and muscles are in pain. I have to walk like a penguin. Ahaha! I complained to Nagatsuji Sensei again, he said he will be giving me mint patches. And make sure to exercise.  

My stomach hurts, it seems I cannot eat lunch properly today. As I went to the elevator, I saw Asai Sensei, he is a doctor in our ward. He is not my doctor, but since he knows English, we talk in English for his practice. I think he likes it. He is pretty good. We talked and he wants to talk more, but unfortunately, the elevator stopped at the 5th floor. It was my stop, family mart floor. I bought stocks, corn soup, chocolates and coconut and butter cookies.

The hospital lunch is 100g rice, sautéed egg and tofu with some vegetables, Chinese cabbage and chicken soup (? Not quite sure), radish and carrot salad. But I ate only the corn soup, 100g rice and some egg and tofu.

I met a grandfather during lunch, I have to sit next to him because I was having a difficulty in walking because my stomach and muscles hurt.  He was so concerned to me and he waited for me to finish eating and he did even take away my dishes to the proper disposal place. He was so kind. We had a little chat. He said that it was his 1st time to be hospitalized and he was shocked because it was just UTI. Maybe he will be released tomorrow. His parents were able to reach up to 105 years old. So he will be ok, no need for me to worry. I said that for sure, he will also reach 100 years old and over. He is now 87 years old. Medicines after lunch: anti-edema & Prednisone 10mg

And this was delivered! I waited long for this blood pressure scale. My mother told me to better buy my own so I can keep track of my blood pressure. It was a good choice as my nurse told me. Warning sounds coming out so it is very easy to use, even it has a battery with it!

Then another roommate was dismissed today and she gave me this morning ration of juices. She said that she was not able to drink it because of her surgery.

As I had my exercise here in the ward, I reported to my nurse that I am already using the mint patches; she said that I look so pitiful, but I said this is today’s fashion and she laughed. I also said that I was on exercise and kindly make a note so that Nagatsuji Sensei will see it, but I didn’t know that Nagatsuji Sensei was there and even heard what I said. I was ready to escape due to embarrassment, but he talked to me. Ahaha! So, it was his afternoon rounds for me, unexpectedly. It was a funny encounter; he lately seems to realize that I am doing his manners, imitating him. Ahaha!  
The hospital dinner is 100g rice, beef and mushroom, cucumber and tuna salad, 2 slices of kiwi and orange flavored jelly. But I only ate the corn soup, some rice and the beef of the beef and mushroom, and the kiwi. I ate with a middle-aged woman that was hospitalized starting today. She said that she will be having a surgery tomorrow and will be admitted for 4 days only. She was admitted here also last 4 years ago, for a month so she thinks she will be fine. (It is so fast phased here that even though you had a surgery here, after 3 days, you can already walk) She asked me why I am confined; it was her first time to hear that sickness. Then the grandfather from earlier came, it seems he wanted to join me but saw that there was someone. So he just sits behind me, but I greeted him.  I took my medicines:  3 capsules of Prograf3 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k.

It seems like the dinner was not enough and at around 10:00 pm JST as I took my break and exercised, I ate this, vermicelli and wonton soup. It seems to go down well. Of course, this was on the record.

I thank God for the people that I met today, the people that took their time to contact me and wished me well. I am very blessed.

I took my sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:10 pm JST.

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