Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 14, 2018 (Saturday)

It seems that I’m going back to my normal sleeping habits, 6 hours. I’m glad that I haven’t had to take sleeping pills #3 again. In the middle of the night, I have to go to the toilet once, but I slept again fast. 

Nagatsuji Sensei is right about taking only 1,000 ml of liquid per day for me. No problem with my urine at least 1,500 ml.  My weight is 55.8 kilos. I have edema today, and my blood pressure was high 162/110. The effect of the medicine is already gone; I have to take it again. I can feel some pain in my nape.

Breakfast for today is quite special! But, I have to eat in a slow manner because I have high blood pressure. 100g rice, tomato omelet, cauliflower and carrot soup, nori, orange juice and tea. I ate it all. It seems that the breakfast today is a lot. A! There was no fruit; it was replaced by the soup. Now I know! Medicine: My morning medicines: 3 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 30mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, blood pressure medicine, intestinal medicine, Slow-k,  anti-edema. Thank God the antibiotic for UTI & LBM was stopped. It was healed already.

I took my bath and slightly better than the previous weeks. The nurse said that there was a waterproof version of the band-aid, and I said that I will ask Nagatsuji Sensei if I can replace it with that, or if I even need this band-aid. Another new medicine for high blood pressure was delivered to me, so all in all, I will be taking 2 halves of 2 different high blood medicines from today.  That will make it 10 kinds of morning medicines.

And it was removed! It was like a big stung of a bee, a little brown hole was left, maybe it will nicer if the wound will heal completely. Nagatsuji Sensei asked me if my weight is increasing because of 2 consecutive days of 55.8 kilos. He thought I was overeating. I said no, who could earn 1 kilo in a day in a condition like this?! Hahaha. He said I have to maintain my old weight of 54 kilos. If not, he will increase the anti-edema, but I’m already taking it 2 times a day already. Anyway, if he said, I have to abide, because he knows what’s best and we don’t want the water to be trapped in my body because it will be bad for me.

At 11:00 am JST, I felt really hungry that’s why I bought this French toast. It was delicious. I ate it in a short time before eating lunch. But I still ate all my lunch. 100g rice, mabo tofu, sautéed rice noodles and leek, macaroni salad and a slice of watermelon.

I received this blueberry yogurt from the new grandmother in the ward, Shiomi san, 71 years old. I volunteered to buy her tea. She gave me this. We had a little chat as I helped her fix her things. She had her surgery due to lung cancer and she has also a broken back. But if her surgery heals, she can be dismissed next week. She was so happy to have someone to talk to because she said she lives alone now in a faraway place. She was confused if I'm Japanese. Maybe she has bad eyes already Ahaha! But she didn’t have to use her eyeglasses as she read, so I guess her eyes are still okay. I think maybe because I was imitating her as she speaks Kansai dialect.

This was delivered! Yehey! It is summer here reaching up to 33 degrees Celsius. It is hot. The summertime here will end on August or September. It will be hotter in the next months.  At 2:00 pm JST I took the anti-edema & Prednisone 10mg. My sugar was only 127. I didn’t have snacks today because my stomach is aching. It seems like its burning. Maybe it's because of taking too many medicines. It is my first time to feel this pain. I also feel bloated.

I am so in pain that I have to stand as I eat my dinner. I didn’t finish it all, I just ate the grilled salmon and the rice. I have to pass the others. I think other people think I have bad eating manners because I was standing, but what can I do, it really hurts. Same after dinner medicine of 3 capsules of Prograf3 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k .

Before I sleep, I took the special pain reliever, because the normal pain reliever is not working on me anymore, or so to say it is so mild?!

So tomorrow is Sunday and doctor’s rest day. I said my thanks and prayed that nothing weird will happen to me like the past few weeks.

Good night. I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 1:20 pm JST. Because I slept at 11:30 pm JST then woke up at 1:20 a JST. It was a good nap for me, luckily that the pills we here at my side as I woke up. I took it and slept again.

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