Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 23, 2018 (Monday)

Good morning! I woke up early at 5:36 am JST, slept for 6 hours and I think it is a good sign, having regular sleep. I am back to my regular weight 54.1 kilos. Still with high blood pressure 154/105. As you can see my eyes are very swollen my face too!

After the regular blood and urine test, I made milk tea and I am going to eat this breakfast cookies while talking to my parents.

Breakfast for today: 100g rice, sautéed vegetable and shrimp, nori, canned peaches, milk and tea. I ate it all. So this will be the last meal with Mr. Araki and Mr. Nogazaki. Once again, my medicines were delivered to me by my nurse at the canteen; they were surprised at the number of my morning medicines.  2 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 17.5mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema.  And it is Monday so another medicine for the protection of the bones.

Mr. Araki and Mr. Nogazaki will be discharged today. But Mr. Araki’s wife is still here for about 3 weeks so he will be visiting her. He said that it would be nice if his wife will be placed in my room. So we said our greetings and parted. I hope for their fast recovery.

I took my bath and slightly cut my bangs. 2 months already and it got so long that it is a pain in my eyes.  And yes, I got good news today from Nagatsuji Sensei, starting today my anti-edema medicine will be reduced to once a day! Yehey! It is a good sign; it means my kidneys are working hard for me. I took the IV for the Cytomegalovirus.

The lunch for today is 100g rice, tofu and egg soup, siomai, cucumber salad, and tea. But as I was saying, siomai is not siomai without soy sauce! Because my salt intake is on a watch, it will be impossible for me to have soy sauce. Since my stomach is hurting I just ate the siomai and some rice. So there will be no afternoon medicines for me.

My sugar level for today is 134 only. So I will eat this mitarashi Dango for the snack! This is grilled glutinous rice topped with sweet and slightly salty sauce. This is one of the Japanese sweets.
Still, if I eat, drink or urinate, my stomach hurts it feels like it is bloated and there is sharp pain. I want to eat more but I can’t take it. So I just went to the family mart to see some new things, read magazines.  There are many new sweets, I was just tempted, but I can’t eat.

Recently I am complaining that my stomach is hurting and feeling bloated so today I got a CT scan scheduled.

Today’s dinner is 100g rice, ginger-flavored grilled fish, boiled spinach, radish and carrot salad, 2 slices of oranges, and senbei.  But I had my corn soup, some rice, and the fish only. Medicine for tonight: Prednisone 17.5mg, 3 capsules of Prograf2 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k. I had to take the special pain reliever I can’t take it anymore, Really my stomach hurts when I eat.  I took the IV for the Cytomegalovirus.

My dinner was not enough so I had pudding. I prefer to have easy to eat. I can’t seem to understand this pain. My back too starts to hurt.

I was really praying hard for this pain to go away. I am talking to myself also, talking to my sickness that please calm down and not to make me suffer.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 12:10 am JST. I hope that when I wake up this pain will be over.

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