Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 9, 2018 (Monday)

Good morning, I slept a little. I woke up 2:59 am JST to take sleeping pill #3.

No Edema today my weight is 54 kilos. Lately, my blood pressure is going up, Nagatsuji Sensei says it may be a side effect of Prednisone Pulse.

My breakfast for today is 100g rice, buttered Bok Choy with shrimp, nori, canned peaches, apple juice and tea. I ate it all, though I ate here in my room because of my UTI. It hurts. Starting today, I will also be taking Slow-k in the morning too. So it will be twice a day. Today is Monday so another added medicine for the protection of the bones plus the regular 3 capsules of CellceptFurosemide 20mg, and cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, blood pressure medicine and intestinal medicine. Total of 8 kinds of medicine. It’s a good thing that the nurses are giving me the medicines plus I double check, no mistakes! Shots of Prednisone Pulse 30mg.

I took my bath and stayed in my room as a perfect patient. Bed rest.

Let’s keep this a secret. I missed this nori flavored potato chips.
Lunch was not complete because there was no soy sauce for the siomai! Together with 100g rice, egg and tofu with sauce, cucumber salad and tea I ate lunch. I asked Nagatsuji Sensei if I am not allowed to have soy sauce, he said I have to watch my salt intake so as much as possible avoid salty foods! Sorry for the chips sensei. 

This was delivered today, it is a SIM package entry, but still, to no avail, I cannot apply for a SIM, they don’t accept foreign credit cards.

2:00 pm JST rounds for Prednisone Pulse 20mg  and Furosemide 20mg. My sugar was fine too.

Today’s dinner: 100g rice, grilled fish, boiled spinach, cauliflower and carrot salad, senbei, 2 slices of orange and tea. Medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and as the usual 3 capsules of Cellcept and Slow-k for potassium.

Tomorrow I have Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん)  I will not be having breakfast. So I bought these, ham and cheese sandwich with tea.

I prayed that I can sleep well despite the UTI and that tomorrow’s session will end well.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 00:23 pm JST. 

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