Thursday, July 05, 2018

May 23, 2018 (Wednesday) It was E-coli / 0157

It was a gloomy rainy day, like my feeling.

I can’t take it anymore, I didn’t have the chance to sleep last night. So, I  messaged my boss around 7:00 am JST, to ask if he has medicine for loose bowel movement and vomit. He was so kind to go to my apartment at an early hour to give me medicine and other stuff to help me recover, but to my surprise, I almost vomited in front of him, it was a good thing that he brought goods in the plastic bag. He made me take a very foul odored medicine for cases like this. We waited for an hour but it didn’t seem to cool down, instead, I keep on vomiting. He thought that I was just like everybody adjusting to the new environment because my Indian and French colleagues felt also the same when they came to Japan years ago.

So, we went to the nearest clinic, he knows the doctor very well. It was good that I can still walk while resting on the way to the clinic (it was beside the daycare so it was near) but it took us a while to reach the clinic because I can’t seem to have the strength to go on and walk. But he was there for me to help me walk. And we reached the clinic. But I have to wait because there were many other patients. The staff was very nice that they let me wait while lying down in a room. But I have to use the toilet many times as I poop and vomit. I pooped so many times that my poop is like water and my butt hurts, my legs were like no strength to walk at all. The 2 doctors came to see me, and they can’t seem to understand what was wrong, they can’t diagnose it, so they said I will be taken to a big hospital and they called an ambulance.

As I wait, I was very lucky that my Indian colleague came to see me and stayed as I wait. I was so in tears but she was there and comforted me. She is very nice to me. And then the ambulance came. I was taken to the nearest big hospital so laboratory test could be performed immediately.

I was immediately taken into the emergency room and being prepared for laboratory test while the other doctor from the clinic explains to the staff, nurses, and doctor what happened. And so I am beginning to lose my consciousness.

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