Thursday, July 12, 2018

July 11, 2018 (Wednesday)

Good morning! 

I slept for 6 hours and I’m feeling nice. I didn’t need to take sleeping pill #3. Good sign, good sign! Also, same weight 54.9 kilos so no edema today, blood pressure: ok.  It is just that I have many bruises from the IVs.

I ate all the breakfast today. 100g rice, bok choy and chicken soup, nori, mangoes, apple juice and tea. Took my medicine 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol, anti-edema, antibacterial medicine, blood pressure medicine, intestinal medicine, and antibiotic for UTI.

I took my bath in time for the doctors and nurses rounds. Today, as Nagatsuji sensei cleaned my neck, he administered the shots of Prednisone Pulse 30mg. He is very considerate to do it because he doesn’t want me to put on IV. He will also administer the afternoon dose. I am having a loose bowel movement (LBM)  Still not feeling fine, my stomach and body still hurt. He was so concerned, that as much as possible he doesn’t want me to take the stronger version of the anti-pain medicine, but he prescribed it because he can see I am not feeling well and in pain. We submitted my stool sample. In the meantime, he prescribed LBM medicine.

 I also got Nagatsuji sensei permission to eat foods that are easy to swallow and digest. So I bought these, corn pottage and milk cocoa.
For lunch: It is 100g rice, beef curry, cucumber and tuna salad, watermelon and tea. But I only ate corn potage, half of the rice and beef curry and the watermelon. Took my anti-edema medicine.

Bed rest for today, while doing things on my laptop. Quite productive actually. I was able to update this blog. Hahaha!

As promised by Nagatsuji Sensei, he came back 2:00 pm JST to administer the Prednisone Pulse 20mg shot. He also explained to me that after tomorrow’s Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん), in the evening or if I am feeling fine already, they will take out the needle on my neck. Looking forward to it! Yehey!

Break time! Milk cocoa and this, it is not fried chicken (wrapper only), but the truth is it is potato croquet.   Still, my LBM is continuing.

Dinner: 100g rice, steamed white fish, sautéed sweet potatoes, Chinese cabbage salad, pudding, and tea. But I ate the fish, half of the rice and corn potage. I opted not to eat the vegetables. Took my medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and as the usual 3 capsules of CellceptSlow-k and LBM medicine.

Tomorrow will be the last session of Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん) so there will be no breakfast. So I went to the family mart and ate these. This is called oden. I ate an egg and a chicken stick. It was delicious! The soup was very hot and tasty.

I said my thanks, I also prayed that the LBM will not get in the way of the session.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:21 pm JST. 

Good night.

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