Wednesday, July 04, 2018

July 2, 2018 (Monday)

I woke up at 1:00 am JST, took sleepings pills number 3 and woke up at 3:00 am JST to go to the toilet. This is really the effect of the Furosemide 20mg., I have to go to the toilet regularly. So from 3:00 am JST, I am awake already! My face is so big because of the Edema.

Anyway, it wasn’t a good sleep but I still had the opportunity to sleep so thank God. Today will be a busy day.

 I decided to try to apply for a personal number over the internet. There is a very cheap plan here. A personal number for me is a must. I need to have a direct contact. So the package of the plan is 1gig data for 1 month, free calls within 10 minutes, unlimited messages all for 1,480 yen per month. Then a variety of cellphone where you can choose from, but I will choose the cheapest one. But whatever way I choose on the internet, my credit card was not accepted. Even my nurse doesn’t know why. My nurse was so kind enough to help me, but it was to no avail. Busy busy!  Early in the morning.

Today’s weight to maintain is 54.60. By the way, this is near my original weight. 

For today is 100g RICE!, ham sautéed in tomato, bell peppers, onion, and eggplant, nori, orange, orange juice and tea. I had breakfast with Mrs. Higuchi, though she is still not feeling well, she ate all her food.

Today is Monday so another added medicine for the protection of the bones. Another added for the cholesterol, because of the steroid’s side effect. And, 3 capsules of Cellcept, Furosemide 20mg, and antibacterial medicine.

So time for my bath! I thought that my bruises will be gone with the help of hot baths, but it increased. The doctors say that it is because of the side effect of the steroids. Nagatsuji Sensei cleaned my neck for me again. And time for shots now: Shots: Steroid Pulse 20mg, medicine for the intestines. This always gets me. Let’s take a rest.

After that, I got hungry. In time for lunch my favorite soup. This is a secret again. Lunch: 100g rice, sautéed Chinese cabbage, carrots and onions, soy sauce and butter flavored grilled white fish, sweet potato salad, and tea. I ate it all, the fish was so delicious. But the fish served to Mrs. Higuchi is bigger.

2:00 pm JST rounds for Steroid Pulse 20mg and Furosemide 20mg. My sugar was fine, 124. Nagatsuji Sensei told me that it is good up to 200, so no worries. This is the office for today. That is the Japanese public pay phone. I have to call the mobile hotline to see if I can apply. And when I called the hotline, overseas credit cards are not accepted for this application. Oh my! I will be using this personal number to apply for a credit card!!!! I will be looking for other ways to apply for a mobile phone.

Based on the results of the blood test from this morning, my Hemoglobin is so low that I have to receive 200ml  blood. So at around 4:00 pm JST it’s blood time! Nut the blood is still cold, that when it enters my veins it hurts so I have to have it stopped many times for breaks. I discovered that if the blood is so cold, it will turn to something like a near glitters’ like state. It’s pretty but it hurts.

Because of that, I have to eat dinner here in my room. But it was the opportunity to have dinner together with my roommate, Mrs. Takabayashi. She said she ate better than usual because we ate together. Dinner: 100g rice, nori flavored fried chicken, steamed daikon-like something (I don’t know what is this), broccoli with sesame seeds, apples, jelly drink and tea. I ate it all. The chicken was very delicious. As the usual medicine, 3 capsules of Cellcept and it is Monday so additional Slow-k for potassium.

So the blood was finished at around 8:00 pm JST. So slow!

10:13 pm JST took sleeping pills 1 & 2. Hoping for a good night sleep now that I am recharged.
Praying for tomorrow’s blood transfusion to be fast and not that achy. Thank you for all your prayers.

*If you notice, I have taken down some pictures, because the manager of the ward knows that I am doing a blog and she talked to me saying the things that I cannot include in my blog. I said I had uploaded some, and I will edit it right away. She was so nice talking to me even though I have done something wrong. She said it was fine because I still don't know the hospital's policy.

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