Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 20, 2018 (Friday)

Good morning! I woke up early today because there will be blood and urine test today. So I waited for the drawing of samples before I can eat breakfast #1.  I woke up with a high blood pressure again. 5 hours of sleep. But I am back to my normal weight of 54.4 kilos. I just had a difficulty in sleeping maybe because I took  Prednisone 17.5mg last night. I had the difficulty to fell asleep, but sleeping pill #1 & #2 helped me.

I am having vanilla cookies and hot tea while talking to my parents. It is quite early in the Philippines, but I am thankful that my parents do always wake up early. (PH is one hour late).

Today’s breakfast is 100g rice, sautéed potatoes, and meat, nori, cauliflower salad, orange juice, and tea. I ate it all. The sautéed potatoes and meat is like the recipe of my mother. I miss home cooked Filipino meal.
Then took my medicines:  3 capsules of CellceptPrednisone 17.5mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema.  And it is Friday so another medicine for the protection of the bones. That’s 10 kinds for you, 14 pieces in 1 go!

I took my bath today and put on mint patches. It was quite many because my muscles still hurt. I put a lot into my joints, especially my wrist hurts. My legs and knees still hurt but getting better. Nagatsuji Sensei saw me put so many patches, I said it is fashion and he just laughed. I explained to him that aside from the pain, I can also feel sharp pain attacking my joints sometimes. He said that it is a symptom of the sickness. I better exercise he said. But I said, I am exercising but when I stopped moving, then rest then move again, it hurts again. He said if I can’t bear the pain I can always ask for painkillers, but I still opt not to have it. I took the IV for the Cytomegalovirus, I made it go for 1 hour. but it hurt, so maybe next time I have to make it 2 hours. hahaha! 

Today’s lunch is 100g rice, steamed salted fish, steamed winter melon and carrots, string beans and sesame mayonnaise, orange and tea. I just ate the fish and the rice. It seems that everything cannot enter my body; my stomach hurts as I eat. After that, I took the anti-edema medicine.

As I brush my teeth after lunch, the man I met in the canteen talked to me. He donated his kidney to his wife. We were in the canteen, when he was taking away his plates his chopsticks fell and I helped him pick it up, right after that he always greets me. Then, since I saw him reading in his room I asked him if he wanted to read the book given to me by my boss. The book was called “The Greatest Sales Man in the World” (Japanese Version). Then I let him saw the book, it was a cool looking book, and the content is good. I recommended it because I know it is a good book, I already read the English version and started reading the Japanese one. He was amazed because the book was hard covered, maroon and designed with gold plated like thingy. He said he will borrow it for a while, but not too long because he will be discharged on Monday.

My sugar was only 139, and I decided to try the new Frap at the family mart. The summer series of Frappuccino! Only ranging from 250 – 300 yen only. So today I tried the Melon Soda Frap, with family mart fried chicken. It was a delicious combination!

While drinking the melon soda, I am practicing walking here in the ward. Exercising my joints. Well, it gets better. I also stretched my muscles. Recently, since the laptop stand got delivered, I almost stayed on my bed, doing something on the laptop.

Yamaguchi Sensei was back from her vacation, she and Nagatsuji Sensei made their rounds on me together. Nagatsuji Sensei said that I will be having a CT scan on Wednesday to see why my stomach is hurting every time I eat. Then suddenly, it turned in a friendly talk, he said that Yamaguchi Sensei wants to talk to me in English, and she said that she doesn’t know English! They found out that I was talking to Asai Sensei in English and Mama Doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei is very good in English it is just that Mama Doctor still doesn’t speak to me in English, she just reads the things that I am reading and my blog. Mama Doctor’s pronunciation is very good and she is fast at reading, it is like she is reading Japanese. It is like normal for her. Well, they were amazed, because they know that Mama Doctor is a very intelligent person. And when I started to speak in English, Nagatsuji Sensei said Adios, grinned and escaped. Ahaha! Very sly guy.

Today’s dinner was delicious! 100g rice, pork tonkatsu, buttered Bok choy and shrimp, cabbage salad, 2 slices of oranges, jelly, and tea. But I only ate some rice and the pork tonkatsu. I was looking for the tonkatsu sauce, but since it is high in salt, it will not be served. And I took the usual medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf3 capsules of Cellcept, and Slow-k. And the new time adjusted the lower dosage of Prednisone 17.5mg.

Then I ate these fruits as I took the IV for the Cytomegalovirus, for 2 hours. This is the melon given to me by my boss’ mother and the oranges from dinner, I ate this for dessert. I realized that I have to eat little by little so that my stomach will not hurt.

I prayed in silence then I fell asleep even before I have to take the sleeping pill #1 & #2, but I woke up at 1:20 am JST and took it.

Hoping for a good night sleep. Good mornight.


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