Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 21, 2018 (Saturday)

Goood morning!

 I slept well! 7 hours is a luxury! But still woke up with high blood pressure 143/100. My weight was down to 53.7 kilos compared to my weight of 54.++ kilos.

And I am starving! I am eating breakfast #1 while talking to my parents. These are the leftover cookies from yesterday.  I have to go to the designated area for calls (a.k.a. the phone booth is a close area used for calling. It is because there are many apparatus here and many unseen attached to the patients, that some phones are not allowed to make calls anywhere.) It is summer here, and even though it is still early, it is already hot in the phone booth. But it is okay as long as I can talk to my parents.

Today’s breakfast is 100g rice, Bok choy and tuna soup, nori. DEL MONTE PHILIPPINE banana, tea, and milk. Yes! It was a treat, the big del Monte banana! And I made it milk today because recently, it seems like my stomach is not welcoming orange juice. I ate it all. I ate with the other patients. Mr. Araki (the one that I lent the book too) and Mr. Nogazaki. There was never a dull moment; they were so welcoming and the chat really well.

I took my medicines and made preparation for my bath. Starting today the Cellcept capsules were reduced from a total of 6 capsules to 4 capsules per day. So that will be 2 capsules for day and night. 
So the new dosage is 2 of CellceptPrednisone 17.5mganti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema.

I thought Nagastuji Sensei hates English but he came to me greeting in English, then I talked to him and said stop it already because he only knows greetings. But I doubt it, he is a doctor so I think he can speak, but only shy. I said that my weight decreased, and he said that it is a good sign because the medicine from the Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん) is falling out, and they want that reaction, or maybe the anti-edema is effectively doing it’s work by flushing out the edema, it is also a good sign. I took the IV for the Cytomegalovirus, it finished just in time for lunch.

The lunch for today is Osaka’s best, okonomiyaki! Plus 100g rice, steamed eggplants, Chinese cabbage salad, and tea. I still ate with the other patients, Mr. Araki and Mr. Nogazaki. I took the anti-edema. When my sugar was measured it was 191, hhhmmm almost 200, but I still made my nurse let me ate ice cream.

I ate this as I talk to my sister. Vanilla ice cream, I think this will be less in sugar. It is a very hot day today. Now I know that the Doctors only works half day during Saturdays. Mama Doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, came to check on me, she saw my blog. I was amazed she read this! She is very good at English but still doesn’t talk to me in English. 

Today’s dinner is BEEF MEAT! It seems today is a treat! It is gyudon! Plus 100g rice, stir-fried rice noodles, cauliflower and cucumber salad, 2 slices of kiwi and strawberry pudding. I ate with the gentlemen.  They are easy to talk with very funny but with sense. Actually, they know Manny Pacquiao.
The new dosage of medicine : 3 capsules of Prograf2 capsules of Cellcept, Prednisone 17.5mg, and Slow-k. 

While I took the IV for the Cytomegalovirus, I also updated my blog while eating this very delicious snack. I missed this red bean paste wrapped in mochi. I really like this snack, so lucky to have this at the family mart.

I prayed and thank God for the blessings. It was a good and peaceful day, though I have some pain, overall it was nothing serious. It was just that my wrist hurts but my knees were getting better. I hope tomorrow will also go well.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:23 pm JST. Good night and hoping for a luxury sleep again.

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