Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 10, 2018 (Tuesday)

I woke up at 1:45 am JST to take sleeping pill #3. But I can’t sleep because of UTI, I am going to the toilet in 15-30 minutes interval. In the end, I only slept for 3 hours. But I think it will be fine, somehow I feel I got my sleep.

 Blood Dialysis (血漿交換けっしょうこうかん) today at 10:00 am JST, very busy with the preparations. No breakfast for today, I hope the ham and cheese sandwich last night will hold up to later. Took my shower, I prepared and put on a diaper just in case. I got my Prednisone Pulse 30mg shot directly. Took my medicine 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, blood pressure medicine and intestinal medicine.  But it seems that Nagatsuji Sensei forgot not to issue anti-edema (Furosemide 20mg), I don’t want to urinate more, I already have UTI! I will say it to him later. Lately, he seems so tired. Is he ok?

It seems that the patients of our ward are undergoing dialysis today, the facility for dialysis is full of our ward’s doctor. I greeted them nicely by saying “Ms. Universe Philippines is here, I will be in your care”, they are all happy to see me well and prepared for the session. I slept during the 1st half of the session, when I woke up and said 45 minutes remaining, but Manue san said, time remaining is 30 minutes! I am so happy! Thank God it went under 2 hours. So, the session really ended well, I was back in my room at 12:00 pm JST.

But it seems that irritations start to show up like this, and my body is getting red and hot. Nagatsuji Sensei said it is better to shot the Prednisone Pulse 20mg afternoon dose, but I strongly declined due to its reaction to me.  I have to have at least 4 hours difference for the shots because if the reaction. But I should tell immediately if the irritation is going severe. Thank God it didn’t get worst. The pain reliever is wearing out, I can feel pain in my stomach and lower back abdomen, it’s like I'm bloated. I vomited the tea that I drank. I tried to eat, but I can’t. I skipped lunch today. Nagatsuji Sensei came, I got his permission to eat anything that I can. The kickback is starting. 2:00 pm JST rounds for Prednisone Pulse 20mg and took anti-edema. The sugar count was 121, but my blood pressure is high.

I got a little distracted away from the pain when this was delivered. It is so cute right. I bought it online because I don’t have a wallet here, I just put my money in a Ziploc.

At around 5pm JST, I went to the Familymart to eat Chicken Barbeque. Thank God I didn’t vomit. I was starving.
Today’s dinner: 100g rice, chicken & tofu burger, stir-fried mushrooms & carrots, Chinese cabbage salad, 3 slices of apples, cookies, and tea. I ate in my room. Due to a bloated stomach and hurting lower back abdomen, I only ate the apples and half of the rice and half of the chicken & tofu burger. Medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and as the usual 3 capsules of Cellcept and Slow-k.

At around 9:25 pm JST, I went to the family mart and ate this. But only half of it. I tried hard to eat because I want to let the kickback go away. I needed to stand for about 5 hours because of the pain, and the UTI.

As I said my thanks, I was praying really hard for the pain to go away.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 00:14 pm JST. Hoping for a good rest, my body is wearing out.

Good night guys. Thank you for your prayers and love.

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