Saturday, July 28, 2018

July 25, 2018 (Wednesday)

As a result of all the medicines from yesterday, this is me today a very swollen face. Good morning! I have very swollen eyelids because I cried so much from the pain yesterday. My weight is 53.7 kilos; it went down maybe because I didn’t eat anything. My blood pressure is 131/101 and my pulse is 77. Still, my blood pressure is high but I don’t feel any sign of pain.

It was early in the morning that the husband, son, and the granddaughter of Mrs. Higuchi came into our ward and talked to me. They said Mrs. Higuchi didn’t make it; she passed away due to lung cancer last night. I was shocked! They said that she fought really well until the end. It was such a waste that I have even said my goodbye to her personally. It was very kind of her family to came in and give me the news. I was so shocked and I don’t know what to say. I didn’t know if my standard Japanese greeting for that was enough. So I think that was the reason why last 2 days they transferred to a private room though it really cost very high.  

I think I can eat so I got this cheesecake bread from my grandmother roommate, Mrs. Izawa. She said that I should eat this since I haven’t eaten anything and she is very worried. She is very strict and I have to eat it in front of her. She was very worried yesterday to the point that she talked to Nagatsuji Sensei to tell him to make my pain go away because she considers me as her granddaughter already and I am looking really pitiful in my state yesterday.

The breakfast for today is 100g rice, Bok choy and vegetables soup, nori, orange, milk, and tea. But I just ate a little rice and the soup only, I didn’t eat the vegetables. Still the usual medicine except that the Prednisone 17.5mg will be increased to Prednisone 20mg via IV. And I will orally intake 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, Slow-k, and anti-edema. Plus, another medicine for the protection of the bones.

After my bath, Nagatsuji Sensei and the other doctors came in to see me. It was nice to let them know that I am feeling a little better but still recovering. I still have pain, but because it is still morning, I am still okay and can endure the pain. Nagatsuji Sensei felt some relief. He said that starting today the IV for the Cytomegalovirus will be reduced from twice a day to once a day since I am using Prednisone via IV. I also have my energy dextrose since I didn’t eat yesterday.

The lunch today is very delicious I think. 100g, curry rice, tuna and cucumber salad with mayonnaise, and a slice of watermelon. I ate here in my room while talking to my parents. I only ate half of it, but I tried hard and ate the watermelon since it will serve as water in my body.

After the sugar count,164, I went to the family mart and bought these, vanilla Ice cream sandwich, yogurt, and Ramune water. Easy to eat foods. I shared this with my grandmother roommate, Mrs. Izawa. She was happy to taste these.

The doctor of Mrs. Izawa is always having his rounds to her. And Nagatsuji Sensei said that Yamazaki Sensei (山崎先生), is very good in English. So, every time he makes his rounds to Mrs. Izawa, he is also talking to me. He said that this ward is like an English School corner. Yes indeed he is very good at English, his pronunciation is very clean and clear, not the typical Japanese accent; he can also explain very well my case in English.

Today, I am still feeling drowsy from the medicines that they gave me yesterday and I opted to rest the whole afternoon.

The dinner for today was: 100g rice, steamed white fish, sautéed root crop, Chinese cabbage salad, pudding, and tea. But I only ate some rice and all of the fish. It seems that I cannot eat vegetables now.

 I was surprised that the evening medicines were decreased. The Slow-k will be gone by today because as per the blood test, my potassium levels were good. So the evening medicines are 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept only. Yehey! So the medicines are slowly getting low dosages! Isn’t this a good sign?

Yesterday might be a tough day, but today I am hearing good news. I am so blessed. I thank God! Amen! Also, today is the Tenjin Festival here in Miyakojima, Osaka. I am very lucky because I can see it via my window. If you can see, a white little structure at the left side, it is the Osaka Castle. The fireworks really cheered me up.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at around 11:00 am JST. 

Today might have ups and downs, but still, overall it was a blessed day. May all we have a good night sleep. 

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