Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 13, 2018 (Friday)

Good morning! I have slept well. 6 hours, without taking sleeping pill #3 again. I think I’m being normal again! Good sign! I have a good time video chatting with my parents. This is the great timing, I always call in the morning. 

I have edema today, my weight is 55.8 Kilos. When I woke up my blood pressure was 148/83, still ok, compared to yesterday.  I feel like my legs are heavy to walk.

Breakfast for today is 100g rice sautéed cabbage, carrot & shrimp, nori, banana, apple juice and tea. I ate it all. I think my appetite is back to normal. I am recovering from the loose bowel movement.
My morning medicines: 3 capsules of Cellcept, Prednisone 30mg, anti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, blood pressure medicine, intestinal medicine, Slow-k,  anti-edema, and antibiotic for UTI & LBM. 11 kinds, like a candy buffet, it is just that it was bitter. Hahaha!

I took my bath at 9:00 am JST. Nagatsuji Sensei said that anytime I can drink the medicine for high blood, but I insisted that while I still can I’d rather not to take the medicine because he said to me that there is no medicine that has no side effect.

Papa doctor, Konishi Sensei, came for me today. He always does, but recently he is also having chats with me. Also Furutsuka Sensei, the doctor for sleeping pills came. I said to thanks to him because for 2 days I can already sleep well. But I was asking him if there is a stronger version of the anti-irritation because when I wake up and go to the toilet, the effect is gone already. He said I can ask from the nurse for another, and keep the dosage for now.  

It’s time for lunch and I am hungry. 100g rice, sweet and sour fish, steamed broccoli, string beans salad and tea. I ate it all, the fish was really delicious.

I bought these for afternoon snacks after taking the anti-edema & Prednisone 10mg. It’s okay because my sugar was only 120 something.  After that, I stayed in my room doing things on my laptop. I choose to stay because I’m not feeling well due to high blood pressure.

Okubo san, from the unit that helps patients in worst times, came for me today. She came to check on me here in the 14th floor too. When I first met her was when I was on the 10th floor, Infectious disease internal medicine (感染症内科) under Asaoka Sensei. We had a chat about updates. She was happy that I am looking well.

Mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, also came today. She was concerned about my high blood pressure. She also explained that the session might be the cause. We had chat and she seems to read English and her pronunciation is very good! Another great time to raise the Philippine flag! But she found out that I was reading the Japanese version instead of the English one, she was so surprised because it is about Japanese Law.

I went to the family mart to buy tissue & orange juice. Unexpectedly, I ran into Nagatsuji Sensei, he was on break. He said he was surprised that I even have my own eco bag for shopping. It was a chance for a convenience store date break (to chat as friends), but I was not feeling well. I handed him the juice, but he said he has to say no, I need it most, he will accept the thoughts only. I have to say sorry tomorrow.

Dinner time: 100g rice, sautéed tofu, braised pork strips, Chinese cabbage salad, jelly juice, and orange. I also drank the orange juice I bought. My stomach hurt while I'm eating, it came in suddenly. I have to stand as I eat. I didn’t finish the salad and orange. I don’t know what happened. I didn’t seem to eat well. Medicine: 3 capsules of Prograf and as the usual 3 capsules of CellceptSlow-k and LBM medicine.

At night I bought this ice cream. I felt hungry, maybe with this, my stomach will not hurt. I was glad that the day went well without me having to take additional medicines.

Thanking God because love, well wishes, and prayers are coming to me.

I love you all! Good night. I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:23 pm JST. 

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