Monday, July 09, 2018

July 6, 2018 (Friday)

I woke up at 12:20 am JST to go to the toilet, I still seem to get some sleep so I have to take sleeping pill #3 at 1:00 am JST. I woke up at 3:17 am JST to go to the toilet. The pain is still there, it seems that the anti-pain medicines I took last night are over. So I have to take it again direct IV (old style dextrose, 1 direct needle) at around 5:00 am JST.

Pardon me for the picture, but this is me this morning. Edema, on my face! My weight for today is 55.10. I need to watch out for my weight that they have to give me a weighing scale near my bed. (special child).

The typhoon not going away, but it was said in the news that its center is at Kyushu area.

Because of what happened last night, I will be a perfect patient today. Bed arrest as instructed (can I stay still?, that’s the problem) Breakfast: 100g rice, sautéed potatoes, Chinese cabbage salad, nori, and orange juice. My neighbor, Mrs. Takabayashi was kind enough to take this picture for me, she was really laughing hard.

Lately, my blood pressure is going up to 168/108 that Nagatsuji Sensei is so concerned. So, medicines for the day, Today is Friday so another added medicine for the protection of the bones, 3 capsules of Cellcept, Furosemide 20mg, and cholesterol and antibacterial medicine. I took this all even though I have the difficulty of drinking water.

I still managed to take my bath at 9:00 am JST. (This is a must!) Nagatsuji Sensei came for his rounds. He also cleaned my neck for me and also changed the protective tape, he said he was sorry for not doing it in a very nice looking way (he said he was not that good with protective tapes). But still, he did it for me he was so kind! >.<  We talked so many things about my blood and urine test result yesterday, bone density test and MRI results. Even things outside the medications, we also talk about. He is so approachable that you can ask him anything, (We are friends, anyway, we are of the same age, after all, hahaha!) Lucky! Shots of a lowered dose of Prednisone Pulse 30mg.

LUNCH: 100g rice, steamed fish, the boiled radish-like vegetable with carrot, string beans, and sesame paste salad, mandarin, and tea. I ate it all. With little water, not yet ready to drink much water. At lunch, I received another medicine for my hypertension, Cilnidipine 10mg.
During lunch, my newly put on IV for the 10:00 am JST shots were taken out, the vein suddenly burst. I have my IV put in again, this time at the back of my left palm. (Oh yes, from now on I will be right-handed for a while. I am really a left-handed person). 2:00 pm JST rounds for Prednisone Pulse 20mg  and Furosemide 20mg. My sugar count is 95, sweet! More chocolates can be eaten!

I had my hair washed, salon time! I have it to be washed by my nurse because of the needle in my neck. For those who are wondering how I wash my hair every day, I have a small towel, dip it in shampoo, and wipe my hair, the dip the towel again in water then wipe my hair. 

I think Friday is the busy day for the cleaning staff of the hospital, they have to get the ward cleaned for the weekends (more visitors). So the sheets were changed and vacuum cleaning.

Dinner: 100g rice, fried fish with vegetables on the side, buttered Chinese cabbage and shrimp, cabbage salad, 2 slices of oranges, grape jelly and tea. I will reserve the jelly for later. 3 capsules of Prograf and as the usual 3 capsules of Cellcept and Slow-k for potassium.

I rested for the day. Like true patient does. (hahaha!)

I said my thanks because I’m feeling better now than this morning.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 10:00 pm JST. Good night having to have a good rest.

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